A sudle but new begining

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"Hey! Yeah you! Who else?"

A tall and muscular red headed man stared down at me. Ok, be calm Willy, he probably just has a deep voice. He will most likely not smack you dead, right here right now. Altho I could have been easily fooled otherwise. Who could blame me. He seem so threatening, with his huge bicep and tricep and what not.

"Get your bony ass over here and hang up these signs for me!"

I scooted towards him. My fist act to help society. Hmf .The man handed me some nails, a hammer and a bunch of signs. With his ginormous finger, that could have broken my skull in one swop, had he pointed any lower, he pointed towards a pathway down to the east river. The signs had to be nailed down, pointing west. Simple enough, what could possibly go wrong.

Wait,... Hold up. Universe! Forget I said that! Dear God!

Every time somebody says that, something goes terribly wrong! It is Universe 101. 

One would have thoght I had learned that leson. In this wrechage we call life, there is always rom for doubt. As a matter of fact, the odds usally stack up againt my best interest. As evident in my condition. If I wanted to survie i had too keep a positive aditude, but I could not stay naive. Humans have never been the only ones lurkeing about, one can never be too careful.

After nailing down all the signs, a red haired girl approached me. For an avarage human, she was quite tall. Her wild read hair was tied in a bun, againt her best efforts it was strugelling to keep her hair from falling. In contrast to popular belif the gril was quite muscular, carrying a wide plank accros her shoulders, with a worried look on her face.

"Hey, you didn't have to do that. My dad just expects everybody in the woods to be his personal workers."

"Oh, no problem at all. I just wanted to help a fellow citizen. We are all trying to keep this town safe and working, right?"

She stared at me wide-eyed. Like I was mumbling like a clueless idiot. Well damn Willy, great first impression. What are you going to do next? Accidentally set her on fire? If you are going to take the weels, at least be productive. Miss.Readhead overhere was quite hot already, with no need of assistance to keep up the heat.

Wow! This is how Willy Tucker spends his days now. Mentally hitting on mortal teenage girls that are far  out of his league. While I am monologing, in third person of all things, akward silence will rise from the depths of hell.

"So what you need that plank for? Building a pirate ship?"

Really Willy? A pirate ship. Can one possiblely be any dumber! Day 1, and I have already thrown myslef down the rabbit hole of randomness. Well, I only learn from failure. It is not as if this get any worse. WAIT! I mean.. You know what, screw it! 

Surprisingly while all of this mental conversation was going on, she started laughing.

"Well ARRRRen't you a funny one 😜"

Wait... She found that funny. Humans must really be suckers for puns. Which is excellent news regarding me, because I am a really bad comedian. Altho I think, Mabel would be able to pull off any pun. To all of my surprise, I was laughing too. I guess these human emotions just take off on there own.

"You want to join me at the mystery shack? I am bolting up the stairway, and after seeing your master skills with the signs, I could use a guy like you."

The mystery shack. Where everything went down hill. Why it is still standing is the real mystery. Probably because the positivity, dedication and wonder, from all of them who live there, will not allow it to fall. If I was going to be able to live with my self, I had to undo all our wrongs. In the mysterys of the mystery shack was the best place to start. Riped open wonds have to be treated first. Basic science. Altho I have jet to discover a science, that will give me the courage to look them in the eyes.

"My name is Wendy btw."

"I'm Will Tucker, nice meeting you."

"The pleasure is all mine pirate 😜"

This is going to be a on going gag isn't it 😉

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