Here and now

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A/N: Lettters in cursive are spoken by demonic figures, or are fuild with mantra.  

With every step I took, as we were closing on the mystery shack, I felt a crawling felling in my stomach. I was slowly losing focus. Past and present were mixing. I could not tell time apart; my vison was hazy. A demanding conciseness was dragging me under, pressing me out of my mind. With a slow breathing, were my lungs where twirling up through my windpipe. Chocking me, pressing, and demanding my leave. Threatening to rip me apart. To disintegrate me from the inside. Dragging out the pain and horror. Please, I want them no harm. Welcome home boy, you have been out for too long.


Broken trust. All because of lust.

NO! It was YOUR hand that passed the sentence, not mine. Besides, what do you know of my lusts?

But I do know, just as much as I know of your broken promises. Promises you held dear.

SILENCE! You forced my hand, but no more.

Broken hearts. Heart that shattered as it hit the stones, with the waves we held all along.

We? In that instance, I was just a prop. You tore my world from under me.

Broken bonds. Bonds we shared, as much as we dared.


Broken times, stuck to our internal mind. MUST I REMIND YOU? Hmm...

He wound not, not in this time. He is at a disentangle. I must stay strong. YOU HEAR ME BILL! I AM IN CHARGE! MY SOLTICE! MY RULES! I WILL NOT PLAY ANY OF YOUR GAMES!

Broken Lives, that turned into short lives.

You cannot, I have the power... do I not? I do of course, it is my solstice.

Broken world, world that will perish if you try to deny. It is not the first time I have broken your pride.

No, you would not dare.

I will, and I can.


"WILL! Snap out of it!"

Will? Who's Will? This weasels name is Willy De Du' Card. I am Bill. Bill Cipher, The GRAND MASTER OF SOULS AND WESSELS. Although the boy likes to call me "The Idiot Dorito, who can't please anyone without hurting everyone". Hold on. Cashier girl. Wendy? GRAVITY FALLS! Oh, right, his goal. We were a "terrible" person, who are here to undo my wrongs. What a "simple" job. Am I not hilarious Willy?


-Will! Dude you scared me. Can't just space out just like that.

I was staring blankly at her. What was I supposed to say? "Do not mind me while my demon overlord mind-rapes me, it will only take a sec". Boy, does that easily roll of the tongue. Bill! That reached ass, tried to push me out. This is MY body. YOU stay out of it! Willy! Long time since you have been in the drivers seat. Now is that how we great our overlords? Don't you see, little Willy, that daddy has come to take his U-turn. You had your turn. You flopped monstrously, now your ride has ended. My turn, and you are not my father! You are a pest, a parasite feeding of my powers. True. I am not your father, I am your overlord. You can deny that all you want, kiddo. It has not matter in the grand scheme of thing. We will all witness who has the last laugh. Have fun trying to explain your little outburst. Your new-found lady friend will surely enjoy your explicit explanation.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2017 ⏰

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