Star Gazing

25 2 5

For bluegirl251's contest


She was bounded to stay in a place, far away from her home, grieving for the mistake she did. Her shimmering silver grey eyes with few specks of blue hue, and her wavy silver hair that shone at the darkest hours of the night was a rare and special trait she possessed. Her tender heart had never known any pain.

But now, those silver eyes perfectly portrayed the agony she was going through. She lived in the tiny yet cozy house, in the outskirts of the city, calm and clean. The flourishing deep green mysterious forests captivated her and she lived in harmony with them. The sound of the rustling leaves with the chilling breeze, creepy howls of the wolves and the soothing music of the birds had become her only companion.

Every night, she laid down on the roof, hands under her head, gazing at the stars, reminiscing how happy they were. Blessed with a happy family and a perfect friend, her life was blissful until that uneventful day.

Looking at the twinkling stars, her mind drifted to the times when she had played with the stars, with her dad. She would hop on all the stars till she reached her dad, who was ready to engulf her in her arms. She missed the times when her mom would tuck her up in her tiny star bed. And, her best friend with whom she would join the stars and draw the patterns.

They both used to wonder, what lay on the other side of the world. Many times, she had insisted her friend to come with her, to sneak a peek of the other world. He had refused it, warning her too, quoting his dad's words, "Do not try to go beyond the limits, to the world you never know. The stalkers are ready to pounce and once fallen you'll never get back, until a miracle happens."

She never understood the meaning his dad's words held. But now, she understood the deep meaning it held, as she was experiencing it – the aftermath of her mistake – to disobey his words. Back then, she was so inquisitive that she ventured beyond the borders of her world, just to catch a glimpse of the beautiful other world, not knowing that the stalkers were on their watch.

Successfully, she had stepped out of the border, without being caught. She stood at the edge, gazing at the world brightly lit. Having seen a mesmerizing sight, she turned to leave back home. But stood rooted to her place looking at the persons in front of her.

There stood the three stalkers dressed in pure black, as dark as their souls, plastering an evil smirk on their faces, showing off their sharp teeth. Their eyes held a glint of pure evil, sucking out the powers she had. In a blink of an eye, they had ripped off her precious little wings and pushed her off the cliff's edge. Their vicious laugh echoed throughout, as she fell deep down into the darkness.

And that's how the fallen Star Princess, landed up stuck in the world she was fascinated by – the world called Earth, waiting for a miracle to happen. A miracle that would unite her with her family and friend.


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