The Night Of The Full Moon

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When back in the common room, James was grinning ear to ear. Sirius asked what prank James was gonna pull. James replied, "None, Lily told me she loves me. Yeah, I love her as a friend but I made her laugh so hard, milk almost sprayed out of her nostrils." Sirius clapped and patted James on the shoulder, "Well done mate," Sirius added. James nodded happily. Remus walked in smiling and Lily walked in behind him, commenting, "Tomorrow if the first Quidditch game of the year. Slytherin versus Gryffindor." "YES! GET IN! I LOVE QUIDDITCH! WE HAVE TO WIN!" James shouted, prancing around like an idiot. "What's Quidditch?" Lily asked. James and Sirius gasped in unison. "What?" Lily repeated. "She doesn't know what Quidditch is, it's a crime!" Sirius replied. "Calm down, we can kindly explain to Lily what Quidditch is," Remus added, "But we don't have any time. Maybe tonight? We have flying lessons next." James and Sirius sighed and walked out like monkeys who had forgotten to walk. Lily followed them but graciously.

When outside, James ran to the brooms and picked up the nearest one. "Sweet, let's ride this thing!" He exclaimed. He tried mounting his broom but wobbled whilst doing it. "James Potter! Get off of your broom this instant!" Cried a young lady with short, blonde hair and strangely yellowish eyes. "But Madame Hooch! Why? This is so cool!' James added. "Do it, now!" Boomed Madame Hooch. James dismounted his broom and dropped it on the floor to his left. "Now class, welcome to your first flying lesson," she added, eyeing James and Sirius, "hold out your left arms and look directly at your brooms and shout up, go on, don't be shy and give it a try." The other students shuffled around uncomfortably, only just lifting their hands. James held out his arm and screamed "Up!" At the top of his lungs about 10 times. On the 10th try, the broom had moved underneath James' legs and when he screamed "Up!" Again, before he could move, the broom had hit him where it hurts and where the sun doesn't shine. James held his breath in pain with a stale, frightened expression on his face. Everyone stared as James slightly screeched, and the teacher allowed James to relax back in the Gryffindor common room. Lily looked at James as he slowly waddled past her and she looked quite sympathetic towards him.

They had had quite an exiting lesson, starting to drift off into the air for the first time. Too bad James had missed it and their last lesson, Potions. It was Lily's favourite subject so far but she had forgotten to do her homework assignment. "Hey, Severus, can I look at your notes for the homework. I won't copy them, honest," Lily whispered to Snape, who was sitting next to her. Snape handed her all of his homework, which she didn't expect but she wrote it all down quickly, in her own words, just so that the teacher wouldn't notice. Lily thanked Snape as their teacher had entered.

Lily came back and sat next to James on the sofa by the fireplace. "Hey, are you okay now?" She asked, concerned. "Still stings but I'll get over it, probably, I'm sure. But you're lucky you don't have to experience that ever," James answered. Lily nodded. Sirius came barging in, shouting "The King has arrived!" Sirius sat in between James and Lily, and started babbling on about the rest of the lessons that James had missed. Mainly about how Sirius purposely made an explosion by mixing wormwood with dungbombs he threw in the cauldron before Remus could stop him. James laughed along, feeling bad that he missed all that.

Remus ran in and panted, "Lily, check the Lunar calendar, please." Lily ran to her table in the corner, searching through piles of paper when she came across one and read it. "It's a full moon tonight, Remus, why?" Lily asked. "Errr... No reason, I was just curious. I have to go," Remus explained then ran out as fast as he could. "I haven't seen Remus run like that since last month. He does it every month. I wonder why," James went on. "Isn't it obvious? Remus is a werewolf!" Lily stated. "Oh... So that's why he's scared of the moon..." Sirius added, in realisation. "But he will be ready for the Quidditch match tomorrow, won't he?" James asked. "Of course, he'll be back in human before then." Lily explained.

The following day, James woke up and rushed out of bed at 10am. Not only was it Saturday, but the day that Gryffindor faced Slytherin on the Quidditch field. James stuffed on whatever clothes were lying on his dormitory floor then over sprayed himself with deodorant instead of having a shower and started coughing as he ran downstairs, almost slipping up. The common room was packed with students cheering "Go Gryffindor!" Whilst pouring out into the halls. James ran after them excitedly, saving his voice for the pitch. On the field, James spotted Sirius, who was saving a seat for him in between him and Lily. James ran to them and sat there, waiting impatiently for the game to start. As soon as the game started, James jumped up cheering "GO ON! MAKE US PROUD GRYFFINDOR! COME ON! WOOO!" Lily pulled James back down into his seat. The captains of the teams shook hands then when the whistle blew, James watched the game closely and listened to the commentary. "I wish you were like this in class," Lily told James. James, Sirius and Remus were screaming their heads off like, "FOUL PLAY! THAT WAS A PENALTY REF! A PENALTY!" And "THROW THE BLUDGER NOW, BEFORE YOU KET YOUR CHANCES SLIP!" Lily sat there, chanting on her team and not insulting them to help.

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