The Last Chapter Of The Year

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"This'll teach James not to send pictures of me with bangs around the school. If only it weren't the end of the school year," Sirius sighed. Yet whenever on their last day, you'd mention James' name or Lily would see James, Lily would go scarlet in her cheeks. When Sirius was changed into his casual clothing, he packed up his trunk then met James, Peter, Remus and Lily at the boats. Sirius got onto a boat with James and Lily because he chose to have them go on with him and shoved them both into the boat together. Lily and James avoided eye contact and didn't speak to each other. James tried but he couldn't find the right words and for once, he was speechless.

Everyone had rejoined on the train. James tried to push his trolley onto the train, when Lily appeared behind him, "Need any help, James?" She asked, ever so politely. Without any answer, she slipped past and helped him pull up his trolley onto the train. "Thanks," James exclaimed. "You're welcome, it was no problem at all," Lily replied. Then Lily stepped back down to get her own trolley onto the train. She then sat with James, Remus, Sirius, Mariella and Alice.

"Evans, truth or dare?" Sirius asked coolly. "I'm brave enough to go for the dare," commented Lily. Sirius mischievously grinned and James scanned his face, daring to guess what Sirius was up to. "You have to kiss James, right now," Sirius answered as he pulled out the camera from his trunk. There was an outbreak of silence until Lily finally asked "Can I have another dare please?" Sirius shook his head in disapproval. "Does it have to be on the lips or...-" Lily questioned. Sirius nodded firmly. Lily looked down, going pale and trying to fake gagging. "Just do it already!..." Sirius barked. Lily stood up then took a step closer to James and pulled him up to his feet. At the very last minute, as Sirius started filming, Lily turned away and finally gasped "I can't do this!" With her cheeks suddenly turning slightly light pink. "Sure you can, I mean if you already -" Sirius paused. "Leave her alone, Sirius, if she doesn't want to do it then don't make her," Remus commented. Lily thanked Remus and he nodded in approval.

James went red but finally gulped and calmed down. He stood up, leaned over as Sirius started filming, and gently kissed Lily on the lips. His first kiss. Lily went even redder than James was and James went from red to pink. "And... Got it!" Sirius shouted as he stopped filming and put his camera down. "I hate you, Sirius..." Sighed James. "Here we have the future Mr and Mrs Potter," Sirius chuckled. "Enough is enough, you've drawn the line now Sirius," snapped Remus. Sirius rolled his eyes and slumped back in his chair.

The sweets lady came around with her heavenly trolley and asked everyone "Do you dears want anything off of the trolley?" Kindly. James nodded and came back with what seemed like around more than 100 sweets, like 50 for each person. James shared out the sweets but there were more than an equal number of sweets so James had more sweets than anybody else had and nobody had realised it. "I see I've taught you to share, eh, Prongs," Sirius said. James just sniggered whilst scoffing down 5 small Every Flavoured Beans at once.

A few hours later, everyone packed up and fled the train and said goodbye. James, Lily, Sirius, Remus, Alice and Mariella all had a group hug before finally bidding farewell. They all went their opposite directions, chatting away to their families about the time of their lives they had just had at school and the new friends they all had made. All except Sirius, who just ignored his family all the home from Kings Cross Railway Station. That was the end of their very first year...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2016 ⏰

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