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Alphys was flipping out. She had run so many tests in the last 18 hours, foregoing sleep, food, and drink in her desperation. But there was simply no way around it. Sans had just come back in from his second visit to Snowdin to try and help Fuku Fire with her packing, and now Alphys was trying to figure out how to explain this predicament.

"S-sans, we've got a problem."


"W-well, I've d-done a l-lot of tests and a l-lot of experimenting, but... n-no matter what I d-do, there are only t-two ways to g-get Flowey into t-this new v-vessel."

"and they are?"

"W-well the f-first one is to m-make it like a r-robotic suit, a-and j-just put his f-flower body i-inside, but... t-that doesn't a-acomplish anything."

"doesn't it give 'im some limbs and such? ain't that the general idea?"

"N-not really. T-they still wouldn't be his. W-we aren't trying to make the w-world more convenient for h-him. He can a-already do anything s-someone with l-limbs can, other than l-leave the ground. We're t-trying to give him l-limbs he controls himself.  To make him f-feel... as much like he did when he was a-alive as p-possible. B-besides, h-he'd still be able to LOAD and RESET in a b-body like that."

"so what's the other option?"

"I was... r-reading some of my p-predecessor's notes. T-they were r-really faded, s-so it was hard to m-make out m-most of it... hell, couldn't even f-figure out w-what the plans I was reading were even for. But I got enough out of it to... f-figure out how to l-legitimately t-transfer a m-monsters mind into a r-robot. But the p-plans were... flawed. This guy knew nothing about ghosts. So w-with a bit of my own research, I managed to f-fix his mistakes."

"sounds pretty perfect, what's the problem?"

"In order for it to work, he has to... d-d-die first."

"uh, oh."

"R-right. In order for F-flowey to transfer his body into this r-robot, he not only has to die, but he has to a-also c-consciously d-decide not to LOAD or RESET. H-he has to a-allow himself to die."

"which is something he'd absolutely never do. besides, if we sprung this little detail on him, he'd obviously assume we were just trying to get rid of him. he's a sociopath, he doesn't understand why we would have good intentions."

"E-exactly. H-he was trying to r-rationalize why I'd want to h-help him and he c-couldn't figure it out. I-if I say we h-have to kill him then..."

"that's his reason. in his mind, it'd explain everything."

"T-that's right. I... I d-don't want to hurt him, S-sans. H-he's... a good person inside. H-he j-just can't see it y-yet. I... I w-want to help him see it."

"you've got good intentions, but flowey would never actually let you-"

"I'll do it."

Alphys and Sans turned suddenly, as Flowey the Flower once again popped out of the ground with no warning.

"flowey? the hell? how long have you been there?"

"The whole time. I've been watching you since you started building the machine, and golly, were you working hard."

"S-seriously?! Y-you've been here the whole time?!"

"I had nothing better to do."

Alphys suddenly realized something.

"I was... w-working hard?"

"Yeah! For the last 30 something hours you've been working your ass off, and I don't get it! But... fuck it, let's get to the point. I don't trust you, Alphys. And I certainly don't trust you, trashbag. But the fact is, I'm out of things to do. I have legitimately run out of endings. The only thing that's never happened is... this. So, to be honest, I don't give a damn if I die. Go ahead and kill me, you're not accomplishing anything. And if you're helping me..."

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