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The Human was such a strange, enigmatic creature. Alphys didn't understand them, or why they did the things they did. She couldn't even figure out how they did the things they did. The achievements they managed, the wonders they pulled off.

But none of it mattered now. They had left, and chances were she'd never see them in person again. Frankly, she didn't care.

Of course, that wasn't to say that she didn't love the Human. Of course she did. It wasn't to say that she wasn't absolutely floored by what they had done for them, as she was. It was just that with the monsters' new lives on the Surface, and her new life with Undyne, the Human wasn't necessary anymore. Before, she had worshiped the Human like some kind of wunderkind there to save them all.

And of course, they were just that. But Alphys didn't need to have a hero anymore. She had one of her own. She didn't need to interject herself into an adventure, because she had her own. The feeling of independence was staggering.

She stepped out of her house... her home, and looked across the road to see Sans and Papyrus cheerfully laughing at each other for some indiscernible reason over in their front yard. Alphys smiled, happy for the both of them. She'd never seen two people so clearly opposites of each other, and yet who were so perfect in each others company.

Well, no, actually she did know some people like that. But she was amazed at how Sans and Papyrus were even able to love each other that much. It was amazing. She mentally pitied the person who so much as made fun of Papyrus, much less the person who actually hurt him. They would most likely have a most unpleasant time.

But no one had hurt Papyrus. And from the looks of things, no one would. She turned to her left and saw TORIEL and ASGORE, smiling and sitting silently side-by-side in a rocking chair on their front porch. Alphys chuckled under her breath. They acted like a couple of senior citizens, despite the fact that they had the physical age of a couple of 30-year-olds.

She flinched suddenly as she heard music begin to play with astonishing volume, a hip and modern tune, perfect for dancing. Mettaton couldn't get enough of his music.

Alphys smiled and began slowly counting down.

"Three... two... one... called it."

The moment she let out that "one," Mettaton's music had been instantly drowned out by that of his next-door-neighbor, cousin, and band partner Napstablook, who's taste in music was decidedly more... spooky. As the ghosts wordlessly argued with their speakers cranked up to full volume, Alphys smiled into the sky, wondering how the world could be this perfect. \

The dust mingled with her tears as she realized it was all over. It had been minutes since she lost consciousness and fell into her vision-ish dream world, and she had just returned to her senses.

Sans was knelt over her prostrate body, and breathed a sigh of relief as her eyes opened.

"you ok, alphie? or did that happen 'cause i let go? i'd be happy to fix that, of course."

"Y-you're taking t-this p-pretty well. And y-yeah. I'm f-fine. It was a... k-kinda weird vision, sorta."

"what's that mean?"

"It means the same thing it's been meaning. When I touch something, I sometimes have these weird visions of... I don't even know what. The Human is in them, and I love them. And everyone is alive, and sometimes we're free. It's a nice relief from this world. And in them, I never remember... this world. It's just that one. And Undyne and Papyrus are still here, and I don't have to worry about keeping the Underground alive."

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