Chapter 15: A talk I wasn't meant to remember

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Being with Zander was like a movie. He was sweet, compassionate, and humorous. He always had something special planned on the dates we went on, and for a while, I was the happiest I had ever been in my entire life. They say all good things come to an end, and for a time I really believed that the person who had first said they had never experienced the type of love I had.

The next two months were quiet but blissful. Jace had seemingly disappeared, Mandy had backed off, Carmen continued to be the ball of fun and gossip that she was, and life was great. Nothing in the world could have brought me down, not even Jace.

Then everything changed.

"Hey Zoe can I talk to you for a minute?" Zander asked me. The tone in his voice was unreadable and my heart began to race.
"Sure. Is everything okay?" I replied, unsure if I wanted to hear an honest answer.
"No, everything's not okay." He muttered.
My heart sank and my hope for a happy ending vanished.
"I haven't been completely honest with you about everything" Zander began.

My hands began to shake as endless possibilities flashed in my mind. Oh great this is the part when he tells me he's been seeing someone else. This is the part where he tells me I'm not right for him anymore. This is where my heart is broken for the millionth time. This is when my heart's not going to heal anymore.

Zander looked around the crowded Pack house den, closely examining how many people were in the room. "Maybe this isn't the best time to talk about this" he said. "Meet me under the cherry tree in the back lawn at 5 o' clock. I promise I'll Explain everything." He kissed my cheek and squeezed my hand one last time before sprinting up the stairs to the living quarters. I watched him disappear up the spiral stairs and sat on the couch with my fist under my chin.

"What was that all about?" A voice said behind me. "Hi Carmen. Have you been ease dropping again?" I laughed, my bad mood forgotten in the moment. "Yeah but how can I not? I've never seen my brother this happy since..." A clouded expression came over her. "No." She shook her head. "That's crazy."

Carmen's eyes snapped up and her gaze pierced my conscience. I had never seen her look that way before. Her carefree demeanor had shifted into a stiff poster and set jaw. "Want to go for a ride?" She said almost robotically. I looked at the time on the clock. "Sure"  I shrugged.

As we drove, the familiarity of the small town began to fade as she took a more scenic route, only speaking to comment on the view like she was a tour guide. Carmen not talking my ear off was so unusually but I didn't think anything of it. I trusted her enough to know that I was in safe hands. We continued to drive until we came to a stop at a hill with a large oak tree providing shade for everything under its reach. I moved to unbuckle my seat belt. "Don't" said Carmen. "Let's talk in here. The ground is still dewy from the rain last night and I don't feel like getting wet. So Zoe. Tell me about your past? What was it really like? Who was in your pack?"

"Well I was an omega, treated pretty badly. I was a servant, a scape goat; I didn't really have a shot at anything. All my relatives died when I was really young, which you already knew. So I was cast to the side. I had one friend though. Jake. He was kinda like my rock. He kept to safe and stable. I don't know why he would do that but he did. And I'm so grateful for that." I said, remembering the time where I had been nothing.

Carmen looked at me with the same sharp look she wore before we got in the car. "Did you have a mate in your old pack?" I felt like I had already told her about this but I continued anyways. "I had one, the alpha, Jace. He was everything an alpha should be, strong, charismatic, and fearless. The only thing he was missing was his heart. He rejected me because he didn't think I was strong enough. He already had a 'mate' and he didn't want to ruin it with her."

Carmen tilted her head and spoke, but it wasn't her voice that rang clear across the empty field. It was a deeply cold, masculine, but familiar voice that ran a chill up my spine.
"I never really thought you were weak."

And then I blacked out.


So so so so sorry for not updating in 200 years. I've been super busy with school work and a lot of other stuff and I haven't had the time to write! I hope you liked this chapter and don't forget to vote, comment, and share this story! Also make sure to check out my other works if you haven't already!

Thanks! Love you all!!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2016 ⏰

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