Final Warning

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(Another quick chaptah sorry they will get longer!)

I hardly slept that night. All I could think of was clouds of smoke and tongues of flame, cop cars being blown sky high, that little smirk Darius made.

Anxiety seized me as I thought of Merman. I'd told Darius that merman had seen and captured me. Darius had said that he would 'take care of it'.

If anything I'd seen last night was true, Darius' 'take care of it' was anything but friendly. I felt my blood turn to ice, my chest constrict. What if Merman was out there lying on the ground, his eyes staring at the sky lifelessly? Or he was fried fish? I sat up in bed, breathing hard. What should I do? Go out and look for him? Would I like what I found?

Caedmon sat up beside me, not looking like he was getting much rest either. He nudged me towards the edge of the bed, evidently ready to get going.

Darius would kill me if I went to S-11 without him knowing...

'He won't know' Caedmon assured me. He swished his flaming tail in front of me. 'Hold on.'

"Alright..." I said a quick prayer before snatching his tail.

Caedmon pulled me after him at the speed of light... err dark. I couldn't help but feel a little exhilarated as the world flashed in front of me. I was the freaking Flash! Zipping through the night, nothing but branches and the Alaskan sprawl of stars above.

In less than three seconds, we found Merman. He seemed alright, his bright suit shining in the darkness, especially the shiny neon strip. He was heading straight towards the fence of S-11. Wait- who was that figure beside him? The curvaceous body-suit and the light blond hair made my heart jump. Avery! What was she doing with him? At this hour? It seemed a little fishy, but they didn't seem in a hurry like they were running from anyone, and their expressions were relaxed.

As the pearly gates opened, and a welcoming Mardu flooded the area with light, Caed and I retreated back to our backwoods home.


Mardu sighed in relief at seeing the recruits return safely. But his eye crests raised when he found no sign of Colonel Piffer. "Children, where is Colonel Piffer?"

They didn't reply, walking straight past him as if he didn't exist. Of course, the invisible Mardu was used to that. But in a lack of natural daylight, he shone as a beacon, like a mighty Tinker bell, and he had deliberately spoken to them. Everyone knew his voice. And everyone knew that one must always answer the General. He turned and growled. "Children!" He barked, his light twinkling a bit more fiercely.

They continued walking to Landin's room. Emmitt opened the door and headed inside, Avery following them.

Mardu rushed to protect Landin. Something wasn't right.

Landin was tossing restlessly in bed, his golden eyes scanning the walls as he wrestled with his thoughts, trying to procure a solution from them. He sat up when the two entered. Squinting, his glowing eyes illuminated their expressionless faces. "Emmitt? Avery? What are you doing here?"

Mardu flickered weakly in front of them like a hologram, as if preventing them from seeing his Rider. "What is the meaning of this?" he barked, his whip-like tail lashing angrily.

They blinked and their eyes shone a bright golden. "The Maximus Incendus Rex has sent us with this warning. Open your gates or we will open them for you." They both chanted in creepy unison, their voices blending together. "Give what is ours or we'll take them from you. Give up the Riders or they will turn against you." Their voices rose as they spoke, their eyes glowing brighter. "Stonehenge is dead. Piffer is dead. You are next, unless you heed the warning." They paused only a second before continuing. "The Maximus Incendus Rex has sent us with this warning. Open your gates or we will open them for you. Give what is ours or we'll take them from..."

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