Doll In Chains

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A slight breeze danced through the branches and caused the leaves to rustle in the most natural music in the world as I stood in the middle of the Emerald forest not far from my families estate, I release a quick breathy laugh when I catch sight of a couple of adolescent birds playing in the air before the soft thumps of my horse Ghost's hooves behind me before her muzzle bumped my shoulder. Playfully growling at her sense the bump was more like a shove and I stumbled in the most unlady like fashion, I frowned when Ghost threw up her head with a whicker that only proved that my horse was vastly amused by its actions. I had arrived earlier then I had anticipated so I had dismounted as to allow her to graze some while I finished the journey to my 'secret' spot by the waterfall. Of course I had found myself distracted and my impatient mount had decided to urge me on my away, "Come then you she devil." I grumble with a smile, "Our Knight is sure to beat us there at this rate." Ghost forced her large frame past me and leisurely made her way along our familiar path. Taking the time to inspect my mount as she led the way, a Palfrey of a great bloodline and cost about as much as my brothers Destrier's, she was all white with a mane and tail that appeared to be made of spun silver. Ghost was also as tall as my Destrier Demon. She was much leaner and daintier built but the top of my head barely made it to the top of the curve of the horses back. Ghost was also smarter then the average animal, you could see it in her icy blue eyes, she also hated everyone but me.

Though odd for a young woman of noble birth to own her own war horse, considering the fact that my father was the Lieutenant General of the Kings personal guard and the King's Armies, add my eldest brothers were part of the King's Guard it really isn't all that surprising that my personal taste in horse flesh leaned toward the magnificent beasts that Knights rode. Demon, much like Ghost, hated everyone but me and if not for my interference he would have been sold to a slaughter house. Demon was a monster of a horse, a wall of pure muscle incased in velvety black coat with an almost maroon mane and tail with coal black eyes. Still comparing my steeds in my mind as I halfway listened to the music of the leaves and the playful songs of the birds as I entered the small clearing where the waterfall as the lake that surrounded in resided. Ghost had already wondered off in search of clovers to munch on.

Planting myself on the moist ground in the shade of my favorite tree I allowed my eyes to flutter shut as I remember the first time I found my sanctuary and met my best friend. It was the early fall, soon after my tenth birthday. I had over heard my brothers talking about a waterfall some of the older servant boys had mentioned, I begged and pleaded to be brought along in their search for this seemingly magical place until of course my eldest brother over heard along with father who banned us all from going into the forest. Never one to be told no, it was as simple as swiping a tunic and a pair of breeches from storage then taking my pony at the time for a wild ride through the forest. When I finally found the water fall I also stumbled upon Michael, he was obviously upset. Sitting with his knees pulled up to his chest and his chin resting comfortable on top as he stared at the crashing waterfall. He was two years my senior and a gangly boy with sickly pale skin, dark brown freckles that covered his nose and cheeks. Unruly auburn hair covered his forehead and most of his eyes but the sparkling blue still shown through the heavy bags under his eyes gave way to a heaviness on his soul that was causing lack of sleep. His smile though, oh it was handsome and filled with straight white teeth but it took awhile for me to see it.

I walked carefully to him and plopped down, I had sat silently staring out at the rippling water as I felt him tense and his stare. When I peeked back at him he swiftly looked away and tried his hardest to pretend that I wasn't beside him, for several hours we sat side by side "Girls are supposed to wear dresses, not boots and pants." He blurted out suddenly making me jump slightly before turning to face him with a smile that showed my missing two front teeth.

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