Chapter Fourteen

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Jacob's POV

     As soon as she picked up the phone my heart began to flutter. I'd only known her a few days, how could I have developed such feelings for her?

     I was so nervous I could barely string together a sentence on the phone.

     "The Beach Ball is in like three days, Do you want to go with me?" I rambled.

I waited for a long five seconds before she said yes. I couldn't believe it. I've been nothing but awkward and uncool since we've meet.

I hung up the phone shortly after and went to sleep.


The next few days went by really fast. Maddy began to talk more and smile more. It was amazing. In fact, I noticed that I was a bit happier too.


It was now Friday, the day of the beach ball. I had my mom pick me up from school so I'd have more time to plan.

"Jacob, honey, are you sure you don't want me to drive you and your girlfriend to the Beach Ball?" My mom asked.

"Well, she isn't officially my girlfriend, and that would be totally embarrassing. I'm calling an uber mom." I tried to respond in the politest tone I could.

"Well if that's what you want." She sighed.


At 5:45, the uber driver showed up at my house. Maddy was only a minute away from me so he had no problem picking her up.

I texted her and told her I was outside.

As she walked over to the car, she looked beautiful.

Sorry this was another "filler" chapter so it was kinda short and boring. Anyways, THANK YOU FOR OVER 500 READS! This story has grown so much and thank you for supporting it. Don't forget to vote on chapters that you like and follow for news on what times I'll update. Love you :)

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