Independence, Nonexistent

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You rarely ever think about what life could be. If you do, it gets simply complicated and dangerous to comprehend. If only I could figure out what my past life was then I could figure out how to change my current one.

It was February 15th, 3000 and there are lights everywhere. Red and blue flashes through the house, screaming every 10 seconds. I was about to go to school until my mom pulled me down to the basement and hugged me in the dark. She locked the door. We heard the screaming get closer and closer. Then we heard our neighbors scream and eventually stomping was above us in our kitchen. The basement doorknob started turning. I don't remember anything else except when I woke up In a small house with my mom. Except it wasn't really my mom and it wasn't really me. We were lights or holograms.

I don't remember how my old self-used to live. I don't know how humans,animals, or the world feels. We are closed in between walls. Giant, iron walls. There are theories that outside of the wall you can be free but our "government" says it will only lead to certain death. The death part meaning from them. There have been multiple attempts to escape but at this point, it is a death wish. Holograms have been destroyed by the chemical infused iron. This iron is one of the only things known to be able to shut us down. Other things we can phase through. But the iron will-

"MARGO, DINNER" my mom yelled 

I rush to my house for dinner. Dinner is one of the only things that make people different. Tonight I was served pasta. It wasn't much but for holograms to be able to eat you much purchase lighton. Lighton is a chemical based product that makes food edible for holograms. I take what I can get. 

"This was your father's favorite meal," said my mom

Gender separations are the number one rule in this place we call a home. I smile and nod at her. She sighs and then goes to look at an old family photo. To be rewarded in our crappy town we are sent things from our old home. Old photos, toys. But eventually those things are all taken away and they brainwash you. Basically, they just make you forget. We hear the boys from time to time. Their common grounds are on the west wall. I haven't seen a boy in 2 years. And if the government keeps the way its running things, I never will. I'll never see a boy or my real self. I'll stay, clear.

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