Chapter Three

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    "Glacier, I can't help but notice that you slept with us last night," Orangutan prodded with a grin, nudging the IceWing then immediately jumping back at the cold. He shivered and shuffled his wings.

    Glacier glared at him. "Pear would not sleep without you. Said it was too chilly with me," he muttered, deep voice grumbly.

    Okapi laughed. "That's my sister," he said with an easy smile. What a strange group they were- three poison-spitters, two fire-breathers, and one frostbreath ('more like frostdeath,' Orangutan joked).

    Fullmoons had wandered to the entrance, and she stifled a shriek of excitement. "Okapi! Look!" The RainWing scrambled for the entrance. Small creaks reached his delicate ears as he strained them.

    "My eggs!" He yelped, running to the cliffside nest. Two eggs stood under two full moons. One has turned silver, but one was a cloudy gray. It did not move.

    The silver egg cracked and creaked until finally a small dragon came out. The other one stayed still, and the newly hatched dragonet tottered out of her shell to lay her ear on it. "Where is sister?" She murmured sadly. "No dragon," she whimpered.

    Fullmoons gave a little cry and started over to the nest, laying her head against it. "She's gone," the NightWing cried.

    "S'okay, Momma. I here," the little dragonet whispered, crawling up to her mother.

    "Eclipse, come away.. Momma needs to mourn. Come stay with Pear," Okapi sighed. He ushered his daughter away. They had chosen that name a few days ago.

    "Okay, Da."

    When she went inside, he sat beside his mate and their dud egg to cry.

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