Chapter Six

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Dedicated to NorthStar464 - my very first follower and commenter! Thank you x

The next morning Tristan was awake and out of his room earlier than usual. He went to the kitchen, hoping to catch some early breakfast so he could be on his way. He had not been able to find Mistress Eudora the previous night. The servants were not sure where she had gone so he had gone to bed, after a futile search for her, hoping that she was okay.

Mistress Eudora was in the kitchen, her usual smile was absent. Her brow was furrowed and her face pale. She looked up at the sound of Tristan's footsteps and gasped when she saw him.

"Oh! My lord!" She dropped the bowl she had been using and hurried up to his side. The servants in the room watched them curiously. Tristan gestured for Mistress Eudora to follow him to somewhere more private. They went outside, it was still early and not many people were around. Mistress Eudora was quiet as she faced him, she looked fearful.

"I found her," he told her. She let out a loud sigh.

"Thank God," she breathed out in a whisper. "Is she... is she well?"

"She is injured." Her hand flew up to her mouth at Tristan's words. "She was attacked by a wolf. I was not fast enough in reaching her. I left her with Brianne – she was unconscious at the time." Mistress Eudora's eyes filled with tears that did not spill.

"This is all my fault. If only I had not sent her to fetch me that awful rosemary then she would be well. Dear, sweet Rose, she could have been killed and it would have been my fault." She seemed in shock. Tristan tried to comfort her by patting her on the shoulder.

"Fear not. She is alive and that is what is important. It is not your fault." Eudora looked at him as though she did not believe his words, but she nodded anyway.

"Thank you, my lord, for finding her. You are a good man." Tristan could not help the smile that spread across his mouth at her words.

"You are very kind. I was hoping you would have some food I could take. I do not think I will be at breakfast this morning."

"Of course, Your Majesty. Follow me."

Mistress Eudora supplied him with a bread roll, dried fruit, and some cheese. He left the palace and walked straight for Brianne's, taking bites of the food as he did so.

Tristan knocked on Brianne's door lightly. It was still fairly early but she was probably already awake. The door swung open after a moment to reveal Brianne. She looked a little tired and worn out.

"Your Majesty," she greeted, smiling. She curtsied and stepped aside, allowing him to enter. "I did not expect to see you here so early." Tristan walked inside, his eyes instantly flickered over to where Rose was. Her eyes were closed. She did not look like she had moved even slightly since he had placed her there. Her face was very pale but it was a comfort that her shallow breathing could just be seen.

"How is she?" Tristan asked Brianne, pulling his gaze away from Rose. Brianne frowned and pursed her lips before speaking.

"I have examined the wounds. They are deep but mostly puncture wounds. A couple of areas were worse and I had to stitch them up."

"But she will be okay?"

"I believe her ribs have protected her from any internal bleeding. It is now a matter of how the wounds heal," Brianne explained, still not fully answering his question. He glanced at Rose again. She seemed so peaceful, it almost made him smile at the thought of not seeing her constantly glaring or frowning.

"Why is she still unconscious? Has she woken at any point?"

"No, Your Majesty, she never stirred. She has been like this since you brought her to me."

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