Chapter 3: Love at First Sight

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Many people came to the Masquerade Ball and all wear fancy outfits and have masks in their faces and many people are talking and dancing.

"Man this sure is really fancy right guys?" Said Mikey.

"Yeah." Said the group.

Miwa, Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, April, and Casey were having drinks and were chatting.

Meanwhile the mane 7 were all dressed and look stunning tonight. Twilight is wear a Violet strapless gown with a pinkish purple star on the skirt, had rhinestones on the top and she is wearing a purple mask on, Rarity is wearing a blue strapless gown with blue gems on the top and wearing a blue mask, Pinkie is wearing a pink strapless gown with pink gems and she is wearing a pink mask on, Rainbow wearing a light blue strapless gown on and it had colorful gems on the top and she is wearing a light blue mask, Applejack is wearing an orange strapless gown and is wearing an orange mask on her face, Fluttershy is wearing a light pink strapless gown with rhinestones on the top and she is wearing a light pink mask on her face, and finally Sunset is wearing an reddish orange gown with beautiful reddish orange rhinestones on the top and is wearing an reddish orange mask on her face.

"Wow Sunset you look so beautiful tonight." Said Twilight.

"Aw thank you Twilight but you and the girls look beautiful as well." Said Sunset.

"Why thank you darling now then let's join the party." Said Rarity and the girls agree and went to separate ways at the Masquerade Ball.

Meanwhile during the ball Raph was looking at his friends and siblings talking but he was still sad about what happen between him and Mona Lisa but when turn to look at another direction he saw Sunset walking around the ballroom and then his eyes widen because he had never seen a girl so beautiful in his life and then Sunset look at Raphs direction and both their eyes meet. Sunset never saw a person so handsome but before she was going to him Hun came by her side.

"My lady Sunset." Said Hun.

"Oh, Hun." Said Sunset who doesn't look happy to see him.

"May I please have this dance and warm my evening with your smile?" Said Hun.

And so Sunset dance with Hun but she wasn't happy and Raph notice she wasn't happy and keeps looking at Sunset.

Meanwhile while Raphs siblings and friends talk Mikey look at another direction and then got unhappy.

"Oh no, guys look who's here." Said Mikey and they turn to see Mona Lisa and Armegon and they do not look happy.

"Oh Raph don't look now but Mona Lisa is here with Armegon." Said Mikey.

"Oh okay." Said Raph not keeping his eyes off at Sunset Shimmer.

"Uh Raph what's wrong?" Said Mikey.

"Uh Mikey who's that girl over there?" Asked Raph as he point at Sunset Shimmer.

"I don't know but aren't you upset that Mona Lisa is here?" Said Mikey.

"No because all I can look at that girl over there I've never saw a girl with true beauty till tonight." Said Raph.

Then as Hun got separated with Sunset and Sunset is alone Raph give Mikey his drink and walks up to Sunset and he grab her soft hands till Hun grab his arms very tight.

"Excuse me but I was dancing with this girl!" Said Hun.

"I have a proud claim." Said Raph. And then a woman came and ask Hun to dance with her and Raph starts dancing with Sunset.

"What claim is that?" Asked Sunset.

"A claim of love." Said Raph and he and Sunset dance.

Then Mikey saw how Raph is dancing with Sunset and he never saw Raph this happy and smile at his big brother. Then after the music stop everyone stop dancing and Sunset and Raph stop as well.

"We sir I've never meet someone who can dance well tonight." Said Sunset.

"And I've never seen a beautiful girl like you before and I'm more than a good dancer." Said Raph.

Then Raph takes of his Masquerade Mask and Sunset blush lightly because he was the most handsome mutant she had ever seen. So Sunset took Raph hand and takes them to somewhere private to talk and then Mikey saw Sunset and Raph going somewhere private and then he smile knowing that Raph had found the right girl.

Meanwhile Sunset took Raph to a room where they can talk in private.

"Speak sir I've never seen you before." Said Sunset.

Then Raph lifts his hands and remove Sunsets masquerade mask of her face and then he saw her whole face and thought that she is the most beautiful girl he has ever seen.

"Wow I've never saw true beauty like yours." Said Raph as he grab Sunset hand."Please, bless me, with a simple touch of your gentle hand, which is like a shrine, sacred and holy. My lips are ready to smooth over their sins with a tender kiss."

"Good gentleman, you go too far."Sunset replied.

"Although your manners are perfect, our hands are used in prayer, as though kissing, palm to palm." Said Raph.

"Don't angels like you and saints have lips?" Asked Raph.

"Ah, lips that we use to pray." Said Sunset.

"Well then, my angel, let lips share the privilege hands have. You are an angel, so grant my prayer, please." Said Raph.

"Angels do grant prayers, but they don't move, the prayers come to them, not the other way around." Said Sunset.

"Then hold still angel, while my prayer comes to you." Said Raph.

Before Sunset could react, Raph gently kissed her. It was better than he had expected and he felt his hands slip round her waist, while hers slipped round his neck. Her lips were soft, tender and full of love and passion. He wanted, no, NEEDED more, and he pulled her closer, loving every curve, every bump, every THING about this girl. After a while, they stopped for air.

Then Sunset heard her name called and Raph heard his name called then the two went to their separate ways.

Then when they both went their ways they know each other's names and were shocked.

'The man I kissed is Raphael Hamato from the Hamato clan?' Thought Sunset in shock.

'The girl I kissed is Sunset Shimmer Princess Celestia's faithful student?' Thought Raph.

And so as Raph his siblings and friends are leaving the party Raph knew that he want to see Sunset again tonight.

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