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"Bye April!" I jump out of the car and head into the building and get straight to work. In walks Mr. Foster, and draped over all six feet and four inches of that chocolate body is a blue armani suit, of which i know he will come out of the jacket pretty soon. Focus girl! He walks past my desk, "good  morning Ms. Rhodes, hope you're having  better day." And i make no eye contact when i respond, "yes". I'm so damn lame! Just as he walks past my desk i get an important phone call saying that a mandatory meeting got pushed up to eight- thirty. i buzz his office, he didnt answer. I turn around to look into his office and he's not there, but that appointment is in just a few minutes. i get up to look for him, and just as i am entering the break room i run smack into his arm. Luckily his coffee was in the other hand. I quickly apologize and express the urgency of the meeting, and that he doesn't have much time to get there. He heads to his office grabs his jacket and a folder and goes off to the meeting.  Is it weird that all i can seem to think about was how fucking amazing he smelled, and how muck i wanted to lick him? I want to bump into him many more times. 

About an hour has passed and i go to get a cup of water from the break room and i hear, "hey kal-". I turned around so quick not knowing how close we were and spilled water all over his shirt and pants. All I'm thinking about is how expensive this must be and how i've ruined it. Before he could even react i had napkins in my hand and was patting him down. This had to look weird, but my hands were moving faster than my mind could think. I had my hands all over this man. He got my attention and said, "it's ok, it's just water." He jokes "not that i dont enjoy being patted down." i ask if theres anything i can get him, and he was needing me to schedule an appointment with a client. Some time passes and, Mr. Foster tells me there's a storm coming through and he wants to leave a bit early to beat it. We pack up and leave but it unfortunately had already began as we pulled of the garage. By the time we had made it to my apartments, it was so bad the he was fighting the wheel to keep it moving in the correct direction. As we pull up to my building, i insist that he comes up until the winds and lightening settle down. He declines, "I can make it" but i plead with him. I would feel horrible if something happened to him because he had to take me home.

R. Foster 

We fight the winds to get up the stairs, it looks really bad out here and isn't showing any signs of letting up any time soon. We finally make it to the front door, she opens it and we go inside. Both soaking wet she goes and gets me a towel and then walks into a room. I sit on the couch and text Danni to check on her and tell her that I'm waiting out this storm. Kalli walks back out with shorts and a tee shirt on, and asks me, Would you like me to dry your shirt. She insisted, so that i don't get sick. I give her my shirt and awkwardly sit half naked on her couch. She noticed how uncomfortable i was and says, "You know, i have seen a mans chest before", and laugs it off. That did lighten the mood but unfortunately not the rain. We begin talking, she asked me, "how long have you been coaching your nephews team?" i tell her this is my first year. she wanted to know what made me want to do it and i told her, "honestly i'm trying to prepare myself for children, but i don't think it's working", i chuckled.  She looks at me and says, "if it's meant to be, it will be". It's really refreshing to talk to someone about this. She goes on to tell me that she could do without children as well, but would have them if the man that she loved wanted them. This convesation went on for a while and then i hear a loud ding. It was time for my shirt to come out of the dryer.

Kalli walks into the kitchen and brings my shirt to me nice and warm. I place the shirt over my arms and start latching my buttons. I pick up my tie from the table and begin trying to tie it. This just isn't going so well because Dannielle usually ties it before work. I guess Kalli could tell i was struggling to get the job done so ahe asks, "do you need help? My grandpa used to let me tie his tie when i was a little girl." Although i was skeptical, I let her because i knew that if i went home without a tie on Danni would wonder why and i'd have too tell her. She slowly walks over to me and she seems as nervous about it as i do. She evens it out and makes sure its laying corrrectly and begins to assemble a windsor. She was so close to me i could almost feel her heart beat, and i know she could feel mine. I am looking down at her face as she's looking at the tie. I just noticed how beatiful her eyes are, at this very moment she looked right back up at me. We made eye contact, but were both too nervous to move. We stood there still for a minute my heart was racing, and then i saw her eyes close and I grabbed her by the waist, almost as if i had forgotten who i was, i kissed her. 


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