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K. Rhodes

As the apartment door closes behind me, i drop my bag on the floor and lean into the door. In frustration I tilt my head back, trying to figure out what to do. "I know our business relationship will never be the same" I thought to myself, "maybe i should just quit". It would deffinitely make both of our lives easier. " I can't fucking quit, took me too long to find a job that pays this well", I said aloud. "No, you absolutely can't", I hear a voice say. I look up surprised "April! What are you doing home?" I hadn't even noticed she was even sitting on the couch, let alone in only a black lace panty and bra set. "I didn't feel good today so I left work early", she said. I asked her if she was ok and she cut me off. "No Ma'am, What is the reason you were even considering quitting your job?", She asked. I explained to her the events of our very short affair.  She laughed a bit at first, until she realized that i was serious about this all. She gets up and goes into the kitchen, where i follow her. "Look Kal", she said to me, "I know it's not ideal to have to work for him after that, but like he said, you're adults". She's right, and quitting would only be taking the easy way out, and i have bills to pay. "The more attention you give it, the bigger deal it'll be"she said, "it was just sex, Kal", she added.

I take off my heels and pick up my bag to head to my bedroom. I put my hair into a ponytail, preparing for a shower. I walk into the restroom and decide that I'd rather take a bubble bath tonight; usually in a rush to go to sleep, i just shower. I begin running water into the tub, and looking for my bubble bath soap. I poured some out into the tub, and then return it back to its place. I look at myself in the mirror, moving the loose strands in front of may face, behind my ear. I lay my hand on my cheek and think, "you look a mess", I smirked. I slide my hand down my neck and close my eyes, "He kissed me here", I thought as I smiled to myself. I shook it off and proceeded to undress myself shirt first, then my bra. My bare breast reminded me of how well he had carressed them with his mouth. As a reaction i ran my hands over them squeezing slightly and biting my lip. I snap out of it and take off the rest of my clothes. I slowly step into the hot bath and sit, "Ahhhhh", i let out a relieved sigh. I lay my head on the back of the tub and dip my whole body down into the water. My eyes now closed, I can't help but picture us together, all of the things he did to my body.

I part my legs and move my hands up and down my thighs, my eyes still closed. I imagined they were his hands, i honestly wish he were here to do it for me. His hands making their way to my sweet spot, when KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! I jump, shocked! "Babe", i hear through the door, "It's open, A", I respond. She walks in with my phone in her hand. "Your phone is ringing, I think it's work, they've called twice". I tell her to answer it as I shake as much excess water from my hand as possible, I quickly grab the phone out of her hand. "This is Kalli Rh--", I was interrupted, "Kalli, I can't find it, the file you put together for me, I  need it and can't find it" I hear Raymonds voice say. " Did you check your breifcase well?" I ask. "Of course you did", I add. "I'm sorry, I'll meet you at the office in thirty minutes, we will find it", i tell him. He okays me and we then hang up. I quickly wash my body and let out the water. I put on my panties and bra and then wrap up in a towel and go dress in a pink tank top and black tights. Walking into the living room, i see April , "may i please borrow your car, it's very important? " She asks if everything is okay, and i explain to her the situation and she takes the keys from her purse and gives them to me. " I should be back in less than an hour, unless we don't find the file. If we don't i'll probably lose my job", I tell her worried as hell, rushing out of the front door. 

I finally make it to the office, I get onto the elevator and just as the doors are closing i hear, "Kalli, hold it." Ray gets on and we head upstairs, both extremely nervous, it'd take forever to make a new one plus i know he needs it for this meeting in the morning. We both exit the elevator and rush to my desk, which I'm pretty sure it's not there, but none the less, he brushes through the few papers on my desk and i go through the drawers, " I got nothing", I say to him. Ray rushes to his office door, as he's unlocking the door I'm noticing how I've never seen this office completely quiet or this empty before. He finally gets the door unlocked and enters, i follow right behind him. I spotted the file, "right there", I pointed. There it lay on his desk, Right beside his computer,  where I'm sure he had left it. He picks it up and looks over a few pages of it, he sighs in relief and plops down in his chair. He picks up his keys and stands, looks at me and says, "I'm sorry for calling you, If i would have just come here and looked first, you could still be home." I look at him and assure him it's okay.

He looks back at me and grabs my hand and pulls me into him......

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