Chapter 1

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  RING! RING! RING! My alarm went of on my phone. I grabbed my phone and checked the time. It's 7:30, thanks goodness. I sat up on my bed, and then stretched. I could smell food downstairs, as usually my lil sis is making us food. So I got out of bed, and got ready.

  My name is Hathor. I am the oldest out of triplets. I am a sophomore and I go to one of the most richest high school in this region. Well me and my sisters does. I get all straight 'As' all the time. I'm a type of girl who is always the leader.

  When I finished get ready, I grabbed my bag near the door and head to the kitchen. When I finally found my way to the kitchen, there I saw my younger sister at the stove cooking some egg.

  She must have heard me because she turned around and smile at me. "Morning!" She said, as her blue eyes sparkle with happiness.

  That's my youngest sister, Jennie. She is really sweet and loves anything that deals with art. .It's kinda weird how my sister and I have different eyes colors and also hair. Sometime I feel like my mom adopted us,

  "Morning!" I told her back, as I drop my bag to the side of my chair. Then head towards the refrigerator to get some orange juice.

  "Where is mom?" I asked her, remembering that our mom would be home. Well, that's what mom say any way..

  "I don't know. I didn't see her came home yet so, no." She said a little sad, while she took off her apron.

  "It's ok, Jen." I said to try to comfort Jennie.

  "Anyway, hve you seen Kim walking out of her room?" Jennie asked as she sat down next to me to eat breakfast.

 Kimberly is my second sister, or you could say the middle child. She is the sport freak. You know what, none of us sister don't even like the same thing. I mean, if one of us hate something, then maybe the rest of us like it. The only the that we all like is music.

  "Nope." as I was eating my toast.

  "You think she's late again?" Jen ask me.

   "No, I turn her alarm on last night, before she went to bed. And also set it early." I told her as I drink my juice.

   "Smart." She said as she was eating her pancakes.

   " She should probably be up in," I said as I looked at the clock that was hanging on the wall, " 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!"

  We heard a faint alarm sound, followed by a scream. "Oh crap, I'm late!" We heard her yelled.

  While Jen and I were laughing in the kitchen, Kim was probably tripping on things in her room. When we finally heard no more tripping, we tried to stop laughing before Kim made her way to the kitchen.

  When Kim finally made her way to the kitchen, she stop and looked at us. "What are you guys looking at, we're late." She said as her green eyes filled with seriousness.

  Then Jennie and I looked at each other, and laugh. "What the hell? What so funny?" Kim asked us.

  "You actually woke up." Jennie said, as she continue to laugh.

  "What?" Kim asked, with a confused expression.

  "Just hurry up and eat, before we will actually be late." I said as I finish my juice.

   As Kim was eating, she asked, "Have you guy seen Demetri at my game?"

   "No, why?" I asked.

  "Well, I try texting and calling him after the game yesterday, but he didn't answer." Kim said as she twirl her fork an the empty plate, that was used to be filled with pancakes.

  "Well I think he probably busy." Jennie said, trying to comfort Kim.

  "Yeah, maybe." As Kim continue to look into space.

  "Well lets get ready." I said as I put the plates away.

  When I was finish I grabbed my bag and went to the front, where my sisters were waiting. "Lets go." Kim said.

 And we started to walk to school. Not knowing what interesting thing that would happen.


 Hope you guys like the first chapter.

==============================> THE GIRLS!!!

  The top girl is Kimberly

  The middle girl is Hathor

   And the last girl is Jennie

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