His Stray Heart

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"Zoe!" I screamed, my own voice startling me as her name rolled harshly off my tongue. "Aria!" She yells back at me. I whip my head around to see my best friend staring furiously at me from my bedroom door. "Look, I get you're excited, but your anxiety is beginning to rub off on me and I'd really like to have a fun night." I glare back at her "Sorry.. I just can't seem to find my new Green Day t shirt have you seen it?" Zoe and I were on our way to my very first Green Day concert, I was starting to think my expectations were to high. "No, she replies I haven't. Have you checked downstairs?" Before I had time to reply I ran downstairs in a panicked search for my shirt. When I found it laying on the back of the couch I quickly slid it on and made my way back upstairs to Zoe. "You ready?" I ask as she slid her shoes on. "Yep, let's hit the road." Our three hour drive from south New Jersey to New York seemed to drag on for days. We blasted our music and fantasized about the guys (Billie, Mike and Tre) calling us up onto stage mid set to sing with them, we laughed at the thought. I was the type of girl like all other Green Day lovers who had a school girl crush on Billie Joe Armstrong since the 7th grade. Zoe joked the whole way there about how much of a nerd I was for still fantasizing about him at 21 years old, I shrugged her off. We arrived around 7:30 handing the tall bulky door man our tickets, Zoe and I knew how incredibly lucky we were to of gotten these tickets, a favor done by a friend of hers. The place was exclusive, private and very small, I wondered to myself how a band could even set up and play here more or less fit an entire audience of eager fans. We took our seats and watched as Green Day so magnificently took the stage and captured us whole. My eyes stayed glued on Billie the entire time, I carefully watched his every move his hips, his eyes scanning the room, his fingers strumming the guitar strings and of course his lips. We danced, jumping up and down screaming the words to every song as if our lives depended on it. By the time they began to play their last song "Whatshername" I was ready to call it a night, the beer was setting in giving me a buzz like no other. As the last set ended Zoe and I decided on a quick trip to the bar hoping a glass of water would help us sober up a bit. As we approached the bar tender I heard a distant yell "ladies!" "Uh excuse me ma'am!" We whipped our heads around to find one of the club bouncers chasing after us. "Yes?" I said back as I grabbed at my pockets wondering if I had left something behind. Zoe and I glanced curiously at eachother. As the bouncer approached us I watched his lips mouth a sentence I never in my life thought I would hear. "The band has invited both of you backstage." He stated breathlessly. I felt my heart jump into my throat, is this for real? I asked myself. "Are you sure? Why us?" Zoe asked cautiously. " I'm just the messenger ma'am, the band will have you backstage when you're ready." "Aria, are you okay? Can you believe this?" Before I could answer either of her questions I looked her square in the eye and asked " Honestly Zoe, how do I look?" My voice shaky. I was wearing a gray t shirt with Green Day imprinted across the front, skinny jeans and my new pair of boots. My hair in its usual style long ombré waves that hung loosely over my shoulders, my eyes a wide bright green filled with fear. I silently thanked god I actually took the time to do my make up which surprisingly still looked perfectly on point. Zoe looked sincerely back at me "stunning as always Aria." I couldn't help but ask myself why us? What would Green Day want with Zoe and I? We wondered toward the back of the building my legs shaking beneath me. We knocked on the door guarded by two bouncers who gave us their nod of approval. The door swung open and there stood the man who had been the object of my unrealistic affection since I was twelve years old, Billie Joe Armstrong. "Hello there" even his words sounded like song. "Uh um hey" I stuttered failing at my attempt to be cool. "Hi" Zoe replied. I placed my hand out to shake his "I'm Aria" as his hand made his way into mine I felt a shock travel up my spine. "Zoe." She replied while following my lead. "Billie" he continued " well you're here make yourselves comfortable." Comfortable? I thought to myself how on earth am I supposed to do that? He pointed to a couch where Zoe and I happily plopped down. Mike and Tre appeared from the back room " Mike, Tre this is Aria and Zoe" Billie introduced us. Mike was the first to speak "Nice to meet you ladies." Tre spoke next " We saw you from the stage looked like you were having a good time" he laughed. "We did" Zoe replied " incredible show." "As always" I mumbled. We all laughed. Two hours flew by as if it was two minutes. Instead of sobering up we did just the opposite, one daiquiri and two cigarettes later you couldn't get me to stop talking if you payed me. Zoe and I asked every question that could of popped into our overstimulated minds. The guys didn't mind they answered happily and even asked a few questions of their own, the standard "where are you from?" What college do you go to?" "Any boyfriends?" Mike turned in early and as he left the room Billie and Tre joked about how he would spend an hour each night on the phone with his girlfriend. Before long Tre had Zoe's hand she stood up and winked at me playfully as they walked off, I couldn't help but laugh. Billie moved next to me, my body tensed as his hand fell gently on my knee. He talked about his wife, Adrienne. I could tell by the way he spoke of her he missed her, he was lonely, sad and tired. I didn't hesitate when he pulled a plastic hotel key card from his back pocket. He smiled at me reassuringly and I knew from that moment on I would not only follow this man back to his hotel room but anywhere he asked.

His Stray HeartWhere stories live. Discover now