Chapter Six

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"We're here Miss Morgan" I was relieved to finally hear something other then silence. "Thank you.. Uh.. I'm sorry I don't think I caught your name." He let out a little laugh. "It's Jackson, Jax for short." I shook his hand. "Thanks for getting me here safely Jackson and please call me Aria." "You're very welcome Aria, when you get inside just tell the host you're here for Mr. Armstrong he will take you back." Take me back? Jeez you'd think I was on some kind of secret mission with all of this nonsense. "Okay then." I gave him a warm smile and he returned the gesture. There was something comforting about Jackson, like I knew I was in good hands. I stepped out of the car careful not to trip over myself and walked into the restaurant. It was tiny but elegant, very quaint no surprise there. "Do you have a reservation?" A dark haired man with piercing blue eyes asked me ever so politely. "Um yes, Armstrong.." The man looked down at the reservation book instinctively and had to do a double take after he caught the last name. He looked up at me slightly nervous maybe a little curious but no doubt silently judging me. God I could only imagine the thoughts that were running through his mind about me. I'd assume they went something along the lines of slut, whore, home wrecker possibly all three. I started to become anxious I could feel my stomach churning in all the wrong ways, or were they the right ways? I had not the slightest clue. "Right this way ma'am." I followed him into a private room in the back it was incredibly small, just big enough to fit a table for two, chairs and our bodies with a little extra moving room for the waitress. Billie was already seated at the table his hands folded together and placed around his mouth as if he were in deep thought. If I didn't know any better I'd say he looked nervous, no nervous wasn't the word more like petrified. His eyes opened wide and his hands fell back down on the table when he realized I was in the room. He stood up and it was then I realized how incredibly sexy he looked. He was in a pair of medium washed jeans that surprisingly weren't skin hugging tight on him. He wore a charcoal grey shirt and a black half sleeve blazer over top. His hair was longer as if it was growing out and he had some scruff on his face which was nowhere near visible the day before I had seen him. His green eyes appeared more hazel and noticeably more sad. The host left the room leaving Billie and I alone. "Aria, you look incredible or stunning really." He was stuttering and I found this slightly amusing. A half smile formed on my face unknowingly as the thought of Billie Joe Armstrong losing his cool over me suddenly sunk in. I was far more then amused I felt this strange sense of pure satisfaction. "Wanna let me in on the joke?" He snapped me out of my trance. "Huh? What joke?" I asked confused. "You're smirking.. And as cute as that is I can't help but feel you might be laughing at me instead of with me." Poor Billie. "Oh.. No of course not I.. I'm.. I'm sorry." Jesus now I was stuttering. He laughed and a smile was finally visible on his face. I felt relieved. He pulled my chair out for me and I sat down while thanking him. He took his place again right across from me. "How was your day love?" LOVE my heart melted at his words cheesy or not it was the truth. "Oh it was fine.. after my walk of shame through Manhattan Zoe picked me up.." He cut me off. "Walk of shame?" "Yeah you know the walk home in the same clothes you were in the night before after a one night stand..." He laughed. " I know what it is Aria I just wasn't expecting you to say it. Keep going, please." "Well.. My walk of shame didn't end in Manhattan I had class at one and had to go straight there from the trip back home." I couldn't help but smile. He looked at me curiously but rather amused a huge grin creeped across his face and I knew he was up to something. The waiter brought our meals and drinks. "I don't remember us ordering.." "We didn't, they choose for you." Billie seemed to get a kick out of my confusion. "Wanna let me in on the joke Mr. Armstrong? I get this feeling you're laughing at me instead of with me.." I mocked him in a flirting manor. "Oh god no I wouldn't dare.." I laughed so hard I thought I would cry. This night was proving to be a success. After we finished eating he payed for our food and left a tip on the table, a very generous tip at that. We stood up to leave and I followed Billie out of the back exit of the restaurant. I was relieved to smell the crisp fall air. I could see a large black SUV in the distance I knew right away it was Billies car. He threw his arm around me and pulled me in close as we walked. "Are you ready?" He asked. "Ready for what?" I laughed. "A night you will never forget.." All of my doubts from earlier were gone, vanished and in this moment they were never to return. Tonight my hearts on the loose.

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