Chapter Two

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Once again my legs trembled below me as we walked down the long paisley patterned hallway of the Hotel Le Bleu. I silently pleaded with myself, come on Aria pull yourself together. Billie broke the awkward silence "ah here it is room 213." I watched his hand menouver the plastic card in and out. The little light blinked green letting us know we could now enter. Oh the anticipation, I thought to myself. The room was enormouse, complete with a fireplace, oven range, microwave and refrigerator. A California King bed sat square in the center of the room and as we turned the corner I noticed the jacuzzi tub directly next to the bed. Odd? I had never seen a jacuzzi tub outside of a bathroom. The 90 inch flat screen tv hung over the dresser in front of the bed and the couch on the other side of the room. At this point I realized my mouth was hanging open in aw, clearly dumbfounded. Billie laughed casually as if he had seen this reaction one to many times. He walked over to the fire place and flipped the switch igniting the flames. I sat awkwardly on the corner of the bed, was I in shock? Yes definitly. He made his way over to the bed lying down casually with his left arm behind his head and his right holding the remote control. He had a smug grin on his face, a satisfied I'm up to something expression. Again he broke the silence. "So, are you going to sit on the corner of the bed all night or what?" All night!? I thought to myself he must of noticed my panicked expression. He laughed confidently "well surely you don't plan on driving home at this time of night.." "No I guess not" I replied more panicked then ever. "Lay down" he moved his arm from behind his hand to the side of him motioning me over. This wasn't a question but a firm statement, I didn't have a choice. I did as he said taking my place next to him. He flipped through the channels and after five minutes of briefly bickering over what we would watch we settled on "American Horror Story." "Fine, AHS it is I'm hoping we won't be focusing to much on the tv tonight anyway." Oh my.. Did he really just say that? I thought to myself. He turned onto his side facing me, his shirt lifting up slightly revealing his hip. He placed his arm around me and again I felt a shock travel up my spine. His fingers gently skimmed my lower back causing goosebumps to cover my body. He moved closer to my face placing his lips on mine gently. I kissed him back, harder my breathing picking up. His lips never moved from mine as his hand slowly made its way to my jeans unbuttoning them, it was obvious he had done this before. I helped him, sliding my shoes off with each foot and then my jeans. My t shirt and panties were the only thing remaining on my body. Our lips parting from eachother but our foreheads connected he began rubbing the inside of my thigh and I knew what his next move would be. Our eyes were glued to eachother, his hand slowly removing my panties. I fell onto my back he was still on his side next to me. I removed his shirt shocked at my level of confidence in this very moment. He obliged my eyes closed and I gasped as his finger slowly eased into me. In and out in a repetitive motion, one finger became two and his pace increased. I moaned loudly as he pulled his fingers from me and began to remove his jeans. As he did this my shirt came off as well as my bra. I couldn't help but stare as he removed the rest of his clothing. He tore a foil packet from his side drawer and rolled a condom onto himself. Again my breathing picked up, I thought I would go into cardiac arrest right then and there. I spread my legs and allowed him to push into me his lips meeting mine once again. The next half hour the room was filled with nothing but our moans and grunts. He eased out of me just as breathless as I was. He fell down next to me I was exhausted It was obvious he was to. He was right the tv no longer mattered. I pulled the blanket over top of us as he pulled my head onto his chest. It was in that brief moment when I looked into his eyes I knew this was not just a one night stand. I fell asleep peacefully to the rhythm of his heartbeat.

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