The Twins

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My grip on the knife tightens and I loosen my stance. There is no way I'm handing this jacket over. At least not until I change my clothes. I could not let Nick see the blood all over me. 

One of the irresistible wonder twins saunters up to me. His eyes are narrowed as he slips his hand between Nick and I and grabs two slices of the pumpernickel bread. He moves away and pops them into the toaster. I almost let out a sigh of relief but then he comes back to stand in front of Nick and I.

"Nice jacket. Where'd you get it, rogue?"

Ouch. That stung. At least his brother hasn't joined him. Oh-no wait. Here he comes. 

The brother that just arrived growls lowly beside his twin. "That's my jacket, rogue." 

So his name must be Luke. 

I put a small smile on my face and lift the knife up. I lick the jelly off again, keeping my eyes on the twins.  "Good morning, boys."

Luke's lips curl up in disgust. "You're getting your filthy germs all over that knife. Make sure you dispose of it, Nick."

Nick, my oh so wonderful savior, does absolutely nothing. He continues to eat his breakfast while watching our dispute.

Thanks for defending me. I send the sarcasm laced thought to Nick, but I highly doubt he'll get it.

"Listen, vulture vomit." I hiss lowly. "Last I checked, I'm a part of this pack now. So back the  hell off or I'll make you. And if you so much as call me rogue one more time-"

"What're you gonna do, rogue?" Luke taunts.

Anger sparks in me. How dare he call me rogue? I am a part of this pack now! Does he have no respect?

Now I understand why my mother kept my away from the pack life. 

My arm swings down and I'm about to perfectly slash into one of twins with my knife when Nicks hand shoots out and captures mine. He's got a steel grasp on my wrist and my knuckles are pure white from how hard I'm clenching the knife. It's only a few inches from going into Luke's midsection. I was so damn close.

"Let go of the knife." Nick says calmly. I plaster a serene smile on my face and drop the knife. Nick's other hand catches it, lightning quick. He releases my hand and I do my best to ignore the remaining tingles on my skin. 

The toaster pops with two fresh and crispy pieces of bread cooked to the perfect temperature. Luke's twin leaves us to retrieve his breakfast. 

I feel better with only one of them to face off against. But I wish it was the other twin and not Luke.

The Luna from earlier walks into the kitchen. "Logan!" 

Luke's twin turns away from his toast. "Yeah, Liz?" 

Lizzie looks like she's about to burst with excitement and laughter. "Come outside! Natasha and Kimmie are going at it again!" Then she disappears, giggling like a maniac. Logan runs after her, his toast forgotten.

A soft pang echoes throughout my chest. For a second there, I wished that I could have been like Lizzie. A bright, bubbly person with chiming laughter and friendly qualities.

I quickly cross that out of my mind, though. 

"Luke, why don't you go with Logan and Lizzie?" Nick surprises me by suggesting that.

Even Luke looks surprised. Bot only for a second. He smiles, "No, thanks. I'd rather hang out with you."

He doesn't want to leave Nick and I alone, I realize.

Feeling unbelievably childish, I cross my arms over my chest and say, "I don't like you."

He snorts. "I don't care."

"You know, some people were dropped on their heads as a baby." I scowl, "But you were clearly thrown against a wall."

"Shock me and say something intelligent. While you're at it, take off my jacket and hand it over."

"Make me, dumb-ass." I hug the jacket closer to me and glare at Luke. He clenches his jaw and steps toward me, but in a flash, Nick is in front of me. He's blocking my view of Luke with his attractive back. 

Oh, so now he steps in?

"Come on, Nick. You can't be serious." It now just occurred to me that they're talking. 

"She's a fucking rogue, Nick. You should've rejected her. She'll never be a part of this pack." 

Hey!  I try to shove past Nick, but that's like pushing yourself against a brick wall and expecting it to crumble. Not likely.

"She may have been a rogue then, Luke, but she sure as hell isn't one now. Back off."

I can just imagine the snarl on Luke's face as he says, "Once a rogue, always a rogue, Nick. She'll destroy you and she'll destroy this pack. She-"

"Shut up." The venom in Nick's voice makes me jump. "You know what you need, Luke? A fucking therapist. Just because your family was slaughtered by a pack of rogues doesn't mean that every rogue out there is intent on evil and destruction."

Luke's family was killed by rogues?

Nick goes on, "You need to get over the past and clear your head. And being rude to my mate is not the way to do it. You might as well consider yourself a rogue if you treat someone like that based on your first judgment of them. Consider this a warning, Luke. Next time, I won't hesitate to protect what's mine."

Whoa. Where did that come from? This is the first time Nick has officially stated that I am his mate. He just said that I'm his! Does that mean he fully accepts me? He did just defend me by calling me his, so I can only assume, right? 

Luke growls and exits the kitchen dramatically. I'm two seconds away from dropping down in laughter. But then Nick turns around, a serious look on his face. I bit my lip to hold it all in. Then his eyes twinkle and a crooked grin is on his face.

It's the first time I've seen him actually smile. My brain is on overload, my heart is furiously beating like a drum, and my stomach is doing flips. He's got the most amazing pearly whites I've ever seen. Add in his delectable face and body, and you've got a masterpiece of alluring beauty!

And he's all mine. 

Nick's eyes widen. "I heard that."

"Heard what?"

"Your thoughts."

Wait-what? I almost screech. 

It's silent as we awkwardly watch one another. I can't believe he heard my thoughts! How did mom ever manage having a mate? Is there no privacy?

"Iris?" Nick says and I have a feeling he's been saying my name repeatedly for the last few seconds due to my ignorance.


"I'm going to kiss you." 

He doesn't even wait before swooping down and placing his mouth on mine. 



I'm evil for ending it right there, aren't I? ;D 

What do you think? Logan & Luke are pretty much against Iris. Maybe that'll'll have to read to find out! ;) 

Oh, and I know this chapter is pretty short and kinda boring, so I'll make sure the next chapter is longer and wayyy better. LOL you like where this story is going? (wherever it's going)

What do you want to happen next? Or should I just figure that all out by myself and then surprise you? This is a tough decision. 

Okay, maybe it's not so tough. 

Anyway, thanks for reading!!! :)

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