Chapter One

125 6 2

Amelia Lockheart
Recruited age ~9
Current age ~19
Original price - 15K

Skills - Stealth, gun handling, and undercover works.
Attendance - 3 days missed out of 1,820 days.
Infirmary Visits - 6
1·Recovering from disciplinary actions
( September 12th, 01)

2·Recovering from disciplinary actions
( Jan 9th, 02)

Recovering from disciplinary actions
( Oct 20th, 03)

4·Recovering from disciplinary actions
(April 14th,04)

5· Broke leg and collar bone

(June 8th,06)

6· Sleep deprivation and exhaustion

( Nov 8th,03)

Current Position

~ Scarlet Warrior ~

New Identity
Delilah Mae Xanders


Body straight, feet ahead, no movement, eyes glued to a spot on the wall, no emotions. Strong... A silent soldier.

Head Mistress Sandra, is having a inspection on us Scarlet's this morning. It's 4 am, and I was woke up by the creek of the door and heels clanking against the floor. By the time, she made it to my bed I was already standing at attention repeating the form in my head insuring that I don't mess up.

Head Mistress walks down and up our rows, looking us head to toe searching for the slightest slip up. Those who are still asleep or not adequent enough for Head Mistress is dragged out awaiting punishment while she looks over the rest of us.

Head Mistress, came closer and closer. When she was only bed away, I sucked in a breath and stilled my eyes.
Body straight, feet ahead, no movement, eyes straight ahead, No emotions..
Body straight, feet ahead, no movement, eyes straight ahead, No emotions..
Body straight, feet ahead, no movement, eyes straight ahead, No emotions..
Thinking she was going to walk right past, Man was I wrong.. She grabbed me by my jaw and my eyes snapped to hers, she squeezed my jaw with what seemed like all the strength she had wanting the my pain to show on my face, wanting me to break through and let myself slip. She finally let go seeming satisfied, but just as she was walked far enough not to hear me, I let out the huge breath I was holding rather loudly. Her head snapped to mine, and she smirked , snapping her fingers and I was dragged out with the rest of the "failures" they called us. We all got inside the van, that had bars dipped in acid so we couldn't reach through them. I see Head Mistress's blond hair waving in the window and die down when we pulled up to the Manor. Knowing better then to act out, we're hustled along, into the basements into cells. We waited a long time, waiting for sonething to happen, us all hoping they somehow forgot about us or let us off with a simple warning. After hours of sitting in the room filled with fear and anxiety,while I sat faced away from the bars , calm, cool, collected. Finally footsteps we're heard, and in came Mr. Felix & Mrs. Sandra Eskipiso along with personal guards and a few other there to use at their disposal.

Head Mistress Sandra pointed right over to me, tellin them to use me as example.

The guards unlocked my cell, and she stepped inside with her husband behind her. I could hear her moving from the sound of her heels getting closer, I could tell she was circling me. I kept my head down , she returned to her spot along her husband.

" One lash for each second that breath lasted hm Ms.Xanders? " She asked mockingly as she was handed her whip.

" Yes, Head Mistress " I answered flatly.

" Say it lasted 10 seconds hm darling?"

Only lasted 6 seconds to be exact.. But I kept my mouth shut and murmured a quick Yes preparing myself for the pain.

" Strap her up ! " She ordered.
Guards quickly came inside and strapped to the metal contraption used to hold us still enough to be whipped . Bound by my wrists, I receive my first lash. I willed my body to stay as still as possible, and keep my mouth shut. The second and third came quicker, almost knocking all the air out of my lungs. I regained my composure just as the fifth came,and just as fast came the sixth and seventh. I could her speaking of how I'm the best of the best and still I need discipline and correction. Eighth and my body is begging from the inside for it to stop. Ninth. Only one more and it's all over. TEN I let out a loud piercing scream unable to take the immense pain anymore, I add pressure to the chains,breaking them and falling to the floor. I can hear my warm blood, dripping unto the floor. I feel faint, but will myself to stay up. All my senses are blurred, and my whole life could be resting on this moment. I force myself up,standing straight,and bowing my head.

"I sincerely apologize Head Mistress Sandra, I fully accept my punish and with your consent I would like to go to the infirmary Ma'am " I asked flatly hoping that she doesn't give me any bullshit.

" Mr. Coscum, escort Ms. Xanders to the infirmary please"

Only make it there,and your fine. Come on D, Keep moving, Lets go.

I pushed myself, and just as we burst through the infirmary door, my body collapsed, but Guard Coscum caught me. Carrying me to the staff frantically, putting everything together and trying to save my life,on the door step of death it's the happiest time of my life. I see my old friend, Doctor Kipling, so I let my body slump and finally let the still and quiet darkness quickly consume me.

I'm awake, it's quiet, way to quiet. I stay still and hear my heart rate pounding louder, making the machine next to me speed up it's annoying high pitched beeping. I slow my heart rate down and sigh as if I'm sleeping. I hear footsteps closer to me, and a click of a gun.

One... Two.. thre-

I swing myself from the bed, bringing my body up and around kicking away the gun process. My masked attacker, is female determined by size. She steps forwards, as she swings for my face, I quickly duck and tackle her body aiming for her weaker leg hearing a loud snap and a scream from her. I'm on top of her, standing on her wrist and twisting her other in a sickening way, another snap and she screams again. Being distracted by the pulsing pleasure of her horrible screams, gives her opportunity to lift her arms and scratch my face along my lip and eye. I'm sent into bloodlust, wrapping my arms around her tiny pathetic throat, I squeeze, ever so slightly giving her a little air and just as fast take it away. I finally let go and snatch off her mask. Ellen.. I send my fists flying into her head, hearing bone after bone break under my force. I hear the door swing open and Head Mistress's voice seeps into my mind only confirming what I wanted, what I was going to do. I grab her platinum blond hair and bash her head into the floor finally ending her pointless thrashing and screams, I smile and with a loud stomach curling snap, she lay lifeless, mutilated to almost the point of being unrecognizable. I stand over my kill, eyes still red, and adrenaline pumping full speed. I look up to meet the the eyes of Mr. & Mrs. Eskipiso, Felix look stunned, more horrified, while Head Mistress looked proud as if her own daughter graduated.

Proudly she states She's Ready and signalled for me to follow her as she left out.

This is who I am Delilah Mae Xanders, Assassin,serial killer, a cold blood murder.

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