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Marina's POV
As were enjoying the film, I caught Lizzy staring at me a couple of times. When she would notice me looking back at her she'd blush, smile, and turn back to the television. I found it adorable. Finally, the movie ended and I noticed it was 5:00. "So, what do you want to do now?" Lizzy asked me.
"Um...I don't know...Want something to drink?"
I walked to my fridge and Lizzy followed. I pulled out 2 Pabst blue ribbon cans and handed Lizzy one of them."so Liz, tell me about yourself." I told her as I began to sit on my counter.
"Well, I'm 23, In a relationship, and unemployed."
I frowned at the thought of her dating someone else. "Tell me about your mate."
"He's nice. Nothing special, I just know we belong together."
"Do you love him?"
"Does he love you?"
"Um...yes, he does."
"You hesitated."
Lizzy seemed sad as she looked down at the ground.
"I'm sorry, Lizzy." I jumped down from the counter to hug her. I didn't mean to make her feel this way. She cried into my neck. I could feel her warm tears soaking my T-shirt.
Lizzy's POV
I didn't want to seem so vulnerable to Marina. Fran made me feel horrible and I had no one to help me go past the days of him hurting me physically, mentally, and forcing me to do certain things I didn't want to do. I just needed a shoulder to cry on. Marina led me to her living room and signalled me to sit down. When she sat down herself she pulled out a bottle of gin from under the sofa. I giggled a bit. She opened the bottle, took 2 swigs, and handed it to me. I did the same and sat the bottle on her coffee table.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I laughed at Marina's stories and she laughed at mine. It felt nice to talk to someone for a change. Everything was nice until I noticed it was 8:17pm. "I gotta go." I frowned.
"Aww. why won't you just stay here for the night? I'll take you back in the morning."
"I can't. Fran will be pissed."
"No. He'll....I just cant" I attempted to stand up but marina tugged on my arm.
"Does he hit you?" She asked.
I sat back down and started to tear up. Marina grabbed my shoulders and hugged me tight. After 5 minutes of my pity party, I sat up and wiped away my tears.
"How'd you know?"
"When you took off your blazer it pulled up your shirt a bit, so i noticed the bruises."
"Oh. Sometimes I just don't know if he loves me anymore."
"Lizzy, if you he doesn't love you why won't you move on to someone who does?"
"I'm scared he'll hurt me if I try"
"Leave him. I don't know how anyone could treat such beautiful souls like shit. But if they have the heart to do it, they don't deserve them." She caressed my cheek. She was so sweet. I could tell she wouldn't let a thing hurt her loved ones. She was beautiful. Her smile lit up my heart like the moon in the night time sky. I couldn't take this anymore. I had to kiss her. I grabbed her face and pushed my lips onto hers. Her lips were soft like pillows while they taste like alcohol. I pulled away first, afraid of her reaction.
Marina's POV
I couldn't believe she did it. We both smiled and blush. I noticed her yawn. I grabbed her hand and lead her into my room. I handed her some comfortable clothes of mine to change into.
"Um..do you mind if you turned around so I could change?" She asked timidly.
"Oh sure." I turned around and 5 minutes later she was all done. She looked so adorable even though she was only in pajama shorts and a T-shirt.
Lizzy's POV
She changed in front of me shamelessly. I admired her body in so many ways. The way her dark brown hair flowed. How her boobs looked so big on her small, petite body. The way she slipped her head into her T-shirt. Every single thing about her punctured my eyes with beauty. We both slid under the comforter of her bed.
Right before we both fell into a peaceful sleep, I heard Marina's raspy little voice say
"By the way, your lips taste lovely."

 ♡Just Know I Love You♡ {Larina ff}Where stories live. Discover now