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*more cursing than usual in the chapter. Just want you to be aware*

Lizzy's POV

Me and Marina drove to the "surprise special place". As I sit in the passenger seat, I thought about the situation I'm in. Maybe I'm going to fast with Marina. I've only known her for 3 days and I'm already staying over at her house for a while. It just seems like I've known her forever. However, Marina could be a serial killer for all I know! Shit! I don't even know her last name!
"What's your last name?" I ask her. "Diamandis. What about you?" She questioned. "Grant. Elizabeth Grant actually." What a nice name. Diamandis.

Marina's POV

Elizabeth Grant. What a pretty name. What if we got married? Would I be Marina Grant? Or would she take my name and be Elizabeth Diamandis? My name is cooler, honestly. Wait, why am I thinking this?! Lizzy doesn't even feel this way. At least I think she doesn't. I continue driving and we finally reach our destination. It's a local Italian restaurant very nice but expensive. We get out the car and walk into the restaurant. When we walk in, I tell the hostess I have a reservation and he leads us to a table. "Wow, Mar! This place seems expensive!" Lizzy said as she sat down. "The manager is a old friend of mine. Without him we would probably still be at my flat." I explained. Our waiter asked us what drinks we would like and I took water while Lizzy took Pepsi. While the waiter went to fetch our drinks, I thought me and Lizzy should get to know each other better. We are moving in together, so why not? "What was your childhood like?" I asked her. "Oh um.." She smiled and stopped to think for a moment. "I remember being happy without a care in the world. The earliest memory I have is when I was 8 swinging on the tire swing in my backyard with my sister. Everything before that is a blur. We would sing and dance. Everything was happy until I hit my teen years. What about you?" She responded.
"I don't know. I guess you can say it was it was nice. the only thing I remember is reading books and picking flowers" I replied.

We continued to talk and finally ordered food. We waited, talk, ate, and went back home. The drive home was pretty nice, Just me making jokes while Lizzy laughed at how horrible they were. When we arrived home Lizzy and i decided to have a few drinks. "Hey, let's play truth or dare!" Lizzy slurred. "Ok. Dare me!" I said. "Ok I dare you to yell out 'Fuck me' out the window." She dared.
I casually walked to the window of my living room, opened it up, stook my head out, and yelled "FUCK ME!". Lizzy and I laughed our asses off as we noticed the few people on the sidewalk gasp and shake their head in disapproving way. The night went on and on with this game and I finally dared Lizzy to have a make out session with me. Without hesitation, Lizzy lunged her body onto mine and pressed her alcohol scented lips to my neck. "Fuck" I pushed her away and kissed her on the mouth [and set me free ;) ]. She grabbed my waist and pulled me in closer. I kissed her harder earning a moan from her. I pulled away and stood up from the sofa. "Goodnight, love" I kissed her forehead and walked into my bedroom for the rest of the night.

Make out scene WOOT WOOT

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