Chapter 2.

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Medic's hands trembled as he attempted to turn the knob on the door. His body was on fire. He wasn't supposed to feel this way! He wasn't gay! Yet... he felt drawn to Sniper all the sudden. But... does having sex with Sniper make him gay? Medic shook his head vigurously. 

"'ey 'edic, you 'kay?" asked a muffled voice and startled Medic so bad he almost jumped.

"P-Pyro..." Medic turned and offered him an awkward grin. The other just tilted his head to the side. 

"Yes, I'm vine. I'm just... going to lay down vor a bit..." he said quietly.

"Too 'uch tah 'rink?" asked Pyro and he laughed. Medic nodded quickly.

"Alright. 'ope ya 'eel 'etter." he said and walked down the hall. Medic stared at his back until he was gone. He let out a huge sigh and sunk to the floor. He scrubbed his eyes momentarily and tried to gather his wits about him. He stared at the door. Pleasure was just on the other side of this door... but pleasure came with consequences. He took a deep breath, stood up, and opened the door slowly. 

"Sni-" he began. Hands violently turned him around and lips were smashed against his. Sniper held Medic by the waist tightly as he could. The other had no idea what to do. Too shocked by the kiss, Sniper took his chance and reversed their positions. Medic's hands grappled for purchase on the other's shoulders and eventually slid around Sniper's neck. 

"Ah... Fuck..." Sniper growled around the Medic's mouth. 

"I couldn't do it anymore. You were killing me." He hissed as his tongue seeked entrance into the other's mouth.

"Hnn... Vhat vas I doing- To do zhat?" Medic whimpered slightly. 

"I... I need you so bad..." Sniper said as he moved downwards. Medic's head went back and he arched slightly as Sniper bit and suckled his neck.

"Sniper... We... Need to ztop." Medic moaned into the other's hair, his emotions a mess. 

"I c-can't... Medic, I know ya want this too." Sniper growled lowly again.

"Sniper...!" Medic hissed, but suddenly was pushed against the wall VERY HARD. Sniper pulled away reluctantly. Medic glanced up at him. Then Sniper did something that Medic would never forget. He ground against him. HARD. He was literally lifted onto his tiptoes. Crotch on crotch. Medic moaned loudly and slammed his hand over his mouth. 


"Medicccccc....." Sniper moaned into the other's neck. His stuble grazed the other mans throat lovingly. Medic's arms slid around Sniper's neck and his hands gripped his shirt. 

"Ah... ah... Sniper... Harder...!" he moaned into the other's ear. He felt the other man's body comply immediately abd he repeated the movement which caused the Medic to moan.

"How's zhat... for zex talk...?" he panted. 

"Ah, fuck ya so hard..." Sniper laughed as he kept grinding against the Medic. He could feel both their members through their pants rubbing against each other panfully and pleasurably. So many sensations. He knew they'd both come soon.

"S-Sniper... I..." Medic moaned as he was moving against the wall. His whole body would be sore tomorrow but he didn't care. He relished in the feeling of... Sniper's body moving against his. And other important parts as well. 

"Medic... Are you...?" Sninper managed to say. 

"Yez... I'm going to come." he groaned loudly, not even bothering to make himself quieter. He was suddenly lifted off the floor and his legs instinctively wrapped around the other man's waist. 

"Ah! Hnnn... Oh..." he moaned, tightening his grip around Sniper's neck. Sniper held him around the legs as he kept grinding against him and he bit down on Medic's exposed neck. That did it for Medic. His body convulsed and he let out a howl of pleasure. He came violently in his pants and his hands tightened. Sniper bit down until blood was drawn and the sound that Medic made when he came... it brought him over the brink. He came hard a few seconds after and he slowly sunk to the floor, teeth still embedded in his now-lover's skin. 

They lay on the floor with Medic's back against the wall and Sniper in between his legs. Neither of them felt the energy to move. Sniper's arms slid around the other's abdomen and Medic flinched. 

"What's wrong...?"

"Vhat... Vhat have I just done?" Medic said with a blank look on his face.

"You just had sex with me Medic. That's what you did."

"Don't zay zhat pleaze." Medic grimaced. His emotions... they were a void. Did... was he gay? Did he want more than just sex between them? Was this just a one-time thing?


"Ay, I... Sniper..." Medic began, but faltered. Now that the thought back on the war days... there were always sparks between them... weren't there? He blushed. 


"I like him." Medic thought.

"Before ya say anythin' Medic, I think... Well, for me, that..." he gestured to the both of them.

"That was not just a drunken act Medic. I think I do... Well, want somethin' with ya, ya know?" Sniper said soflty absentmindedly staring at Medic's clothing.

"I feel zhat we are both acting like ze children. Vhat are ve confezing to? Crushes?" Medic said, having a hard time finding the right words without sounding cheesy.

"You do have a point. We do kinda soun' like fuckin' middle schoolers revealing their crushes." 

"Sniper... I don't veally know how to say this... but...-"

"Ya don't hafta say anythin'. Just prove it ta me." Sniper said leaning upwards and kissing the slightly flustered Medic.

"It's not like I'm just drunk."

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