The Many Adventures Of CanadianPizzaRollz

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So my dad was in the Navy so I traveled a lot as a kid. I've been mostly in Europe and Asia, I've only lived in the US for about five years. I thought it was about time I tell you about my adventures! My good friend RussianWeeaboo told me I should do this, so check her out too! Oh also if you know Hetalia I made this monstrosity...

 I thought it was about time I tell you about my adventures! My good friend RussianWeeaboo told me I should do this, so check her out too! Oh also if you know Hetalia I made this monstrosity

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I'm so sorry.

Anyways let's list where I've been! I've been to Italy, France, Japan, Germany, and South Korea. Well America counts too I guess...

Since I was always living on Navy bases we had English schools and an English commissary. At our schools we had to learn some of the language of that country by having a class each day that would teach us the culture, language, and stuff about that country. I'll always remember my Japanese teacher in particular, she was incredibly strict! In her class we had to sit on our knees which was really confusing because my English teacher wanted 'Criss-cross Applesauce'. She would yell at me for sitting wrong and for coloring outside the lines in our Japanese coloring books. To this day I'm extremely paranoid of how I sit and how I color my drawings...

Another fun thing about Japan was how it was rude to stare or pay attention to other people in public. One day my family was walking off-base and my mom tripped and fell flat on the ground, the sad part was she was holding my hand and I fell with her!! All the Japanese people glanced  at us for a millisecond before they scurried away. My brothers were laughing hysterically and the poor civilians looked SO SCARED. I also went shopping with my mom and I slipped. It was winter so I had a huge jacket on, when I slipped the jacket made me SLIDE LIKE A PENGUIN. All of the civilians were so surprised and rushed out of my way. It was super fun though.

In Italy my brother attended a Catholic School. The thing about my brother is that he's a pretty picky eater, so when he went to school all of the Italian nuns were trying to feed my brother these HUGE HOME COOKED MEALS and he's nibbling at the bread. THE BREAD. The nuns literally contacted my mom and tried to make him eat, they would yell at him saying, "MANGIA MANGIA!" (Eat, eat!) So nowadays if you yell "Mangia, mangia!!" my brother will FREAK OUT.

Germany was kind of scary, my family actually visited where HITLER ATE HIS LUNCH!! All of the people touring us around were super calm though but my family was honestly scared. It was so surreal to be in the same place that he was, he caused so much damage and yet he ate right where we were! The people there are wonderful though, they're super sweet. Oh and the Germans have the BEST hotels! We stayed in one called 'Adelvice', we met the strangest guy there. He was HUGE and super intimidating, I was just a kid so I was really scared. He ended up giving us chocolate though, he was surprisingly nice~

In Italy it's considered EXTREMELY rude if you find a cute child and you don't smother it with kindness, it's considered a curse on that child! So when we were there a bunch of ladies were constantly kissing and hugging my brothers and I. We even got free gelato! I was a super sassy kid though I would get angry at these poor women, I'd be like, "I'm not cute, I'm me!!" My name translates to 'mine' in Italian so my mom would have to sit with these ladies explaining that she wasn't claiming me but just calling my name, they were so confused...

When we visited Paris we got to eat at the Eiffel Tower and visit their gift shop. I got a pink snowglobe there, I still have it!

At South Korea we visited a museum dedicated to the Korean War, we got a piece of the barbed wire that divided North and South Korea during the war at their gift shop.

Alright, so we were staying in South Italy but when we visited North Italy to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa they wouldn't let me in! I was 'too young' so my family didn't want to just leave me behind so we all just toured around the town instead. So whenever I think of Hetalia with South and North Italy I can't help but feel like they were wrong, I think South Italy is nicer...

SO IMMA TALK ABOUT MAH JAPANESE SCHOOL DAYS. There were some Japanese girls there and they HATED me, they would make fun of my 'big' eyes and my red hair. Since I had never seen the adorable Japanese merchandise and super cute stuffed animals I would always touch theirs. They would get angry at me and tell me to leave them alone. I still remember this girl's keychain that had a button, whenever you pressed the button a song would play. Of course it was all in Japanese but I remember loving it. There was this anime girl on there too, I thought she was super pretty. 

Japan had great stores, I LOVE THEIR STUFFED ANIMALS. I would just get hoards of stuffed animals and anime merchandise!! We visited Tokyo and I went nuts! There was so much there! I got two figurines and a stuffed animal! Japan has these One Hundred Yen stores that would have a bunch of candy and soda. My brothers and I would get these sodas with little marbles in them and chocolate cigarettes! We would walk by police officers and pretend we were smoking! 

One time we were just walking in an alley and there was this Japanese talk show host, he RAN to us and was like, "AAAAW AMEHREECANZ!!!" It was the scariest thing ever. I was also in a Japanese commercial, I was literally bribed with chocolate. I suck at acting so it took forever to film but it was fun, my mom still has it on her iPad. It's pretty old though so I can't upload it or anything which sucks but to be honest I don't want to show my face anyways XD!!

Welp, that's about it! I'm sorry this was so long but I just have so much to talk about! I still have plenty of stories so just tell me if you want more!

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