Welp, goodbye fun.

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School is starting in two days for me, I probably won't be on a lot. I have ALL advanced classes and I have to catch up on two years worth of Spanish because I'm a new student. They don't even offer the languages I know so I have to learn Spanish. Chinese was an option but my mom insisted I learn Spanish because I'm hispanic. If you're one of my friends from back home know that I miss you alot and if I can't message you immediately I'm thinking of you! I probably won't draw a lot either, I'm really trying to get into my education. That means I'm putting a lot of my hobbies to the side. I'll be behind in anime, cartoons, drawing, and probably wattpad. I'll try hard to keep in contact with you all but I doubt I'll be on nearly as much as I have been during the summer. Aw, that means I won't get to practice Dansk og Norsk!!(Danish and Norwegian) Man, this makes school seem pretty sucky. If you don't know, I just moved and I'm going to a new school. I don't know anyone here and I have no clue whatsoever what the curriculum is like here!!! I MISS MY OLD SCHOOL! I'm sorry, I'll try my best to stay positive! I can't predict the future so who knows? For all we know my school could be filled with dinguses and I could be the next Einstein, but I'd be a swaggy Einstein...I'd probably wear cool sunglasses and ride a cool skateboard, oh and with a clarinet! 

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