Dorm master

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I'm really not that harsh.. Over the year of working with Satoshi, I've mellowed down and his excited personality has rubbed off on my some.. It's just that those kids, They need to know what harsh judgement is if they want to stay in this school and I can hear Satoshi telling them that as I walk into the kitchen. It's been 2 days since they got here, and I can already see their improvement..

" Good morning. " I yawn as they all answer with their own greeting. " Oh.. Morning Tatsuya. The director want you in his office at 12 o clock.. I'll make you a lunch while you go get ready.."  He pushes me toward the door. " Alright but I can make my own lunch.. Your busy with stuff already.. Todays the ceremony. Don't over work your self more than you have to." I warn as he shakes his head.. " No I love making your lunches. " He laughs as I  sigh.. " If you say so." I start to walk away but I hear the first years laughing..

As I walk back into the kitchen, I hear the kids still laughing, " Your so in love with her Isshiki-senpai.. It's funny." I walk into the room silently and chuckle to myself as he first years notice me but say nothing.. I hold my finger to my lips wanting to hear what Satoshi say about me.. " I know it's funny but she just wont figure it out. It's so hard. I've been trying to show her since the beginning of last year. "

The truth is, I know.. I'm not stupid.. I'm gifted, remember? I just like watching him struggle.. I love how he tries to spoil me.. I love how he keeps trying no matter how many times I shoot him down..

" It is funny how you never give up.. If you want me to know.. Just tell me.." I laugh grabbing the lunch he made for me..  I wave walking out the kitchen.. Looking back just once and winking at the energetic idiot.  He had a look of shock.. and as I walked out the dorm. I heard a laughter as loud as thunder.. I heard Satoshi running up behind me.. " Tatsuya.. I.. Wait... I " He blushed..

" I'm off Satoshi.. I'll listen to anything you have to say when you calm down and everything is settled. It's the least I can do for the entertainment you provided me for the past year. "  He looks at me in complete shock..

" alright.. Tatsuya.. I'll see you later.. have a good day. " He smiles and waves to me from the door way.. I wave back and make my way to my grandfather's office.

" Tatsuya, We just finished remodeling the zodiac dorms. Id like you to be dorm master.. " He says as I look to him in confusion.. " Why me? I'm still second year and I'm not even in a seat member.. If anything.. have Erina-chan do it.. " I say and he shakes his head.. " Your the most level headed one I can trust at the moment and foreign students have moved into that dorm. The dorm master they have now just got fires. " He nods thinking over what he just said.. " Further more.. You are going to be Dorm master. no argument. " There's no winning against him.. " And Harumi is living there.. I want someone familiar to her there with her. " He concludes as I nod. " Alright. "

Sighing. I make my way towards the assembly and listen to him talk about everything. I looked through the crowd of first years before I head to my new home. I quickly gather my stuff from my room and set things up in the Zodiac. Just as I finish, I hear the door open and Harumi sneaks in..

" Harumi-chan.. Your looking good." I smile and she brightens. " Tatsuya!" She hugs me.. I heard from grandfather that your my dorm master?" I nod. I'm about to great everyone.. You can go to your room already if you want. you already know me. " She pales and rushes away.

In walks in the Italian Pair. " Ni-chan.. Is that a new Dorm member?" The brown haired boy asked as I laugh.. " I'm Mitobe Tatsuya. Your new Dorm master.. It's nice meeting you all. You all can call me Tatsuya.. I'm only a second year. " I introduced myself as They nodded.. " If you need anything just ask me.. And I'm sure you know everything there's need to know about the dorm." They nod.

" I'm Takumi Aldini and this is my twin brother Isami.. It's a pleasure meeting you. " He bows as I laugh. " You are the most adorable boy ever.. " I Laugh as they chuckle. My day goes on introducing my self to other people as the new dorm master..

As the time hits 7, walk towards the polar dorm. As soon as I open the door, I hear them having a party.  I walked up the stairs and into the room where everyone was gathered.

" Well I see you guys started to party without me.. " I laugh as they all laugh.. " I need help bringing something here, DO one of you mind helping me?" I ask and the 2 boys jump at the opportunity but the girls shush them..

" If you'll have me, I'll help you Tatsuya.. " A voice says behind me as I jump. " You scared me Satoshi.. But good timing.. I needed to talk to you about something." I say and he laughs. " What a coinceidence.. I need to talk to you about something. " He laughs.  I sigh..

" Anyways, Lets go." And we walk out the room.

" Satoshi, I'm not going to live in this dorm anymore. "

He looked at me shocked.

" I'm the new master of the Zodiac dormitory. "

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