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" Why? Your only a second year" He asked as I sighed starting my whole story about how the director appointed me.

" Satoshi.. You really have to know, I'm his grandchild.. I'm originally a Nakiri.. " I say and he looks at me shocked again. " Just don't ask me any questions about why I changed my name. " he nods..

" Well I think I learned more about you then ever before.. " He hums with a smile on his face.. " Satoshi, Why do you pretend to be happy all the time.. I know you aren't really the  excited idiot you show everyone.. " I ask as he smirks.

" It's cause people are mirror. When they see someone smile.. they'll smile too. Just like you.. It took a while but I got you to smile. " Again.. just as he said that, I couldn't help but smile.. " You know.. All that time that you rejected me .. I thought you hated me.. But the more I tried, the more I learned about you.. And the more I liked you and the more time I spent with you, I found myself loving you and I just couldn't give up.. " He stopped walking.

" I love you Tatsuya. " I looked up at him as he walked towards me.. He held my shoulders. His smile is gone.. a serious expression on his face. The same expression he puts on when he cooks. I cant help but stare at him. I couldn't do anything as he reaches behind me and bringing our faces closer.. His lips softly touch mine..

He pulls away and I blush a bright red.. He smiles and starts walking. I don't want to be left behind by him.. But the more I wait here.. The farther he get from me.. I start running.. I reach out my hand.. I reach out and grab his hand.. He doesn't look down at me but I feel him grip my hand. He starts to swing out hands back and forth.

" So can you sing for me now?" He asks in the kitchen as I gather all of the food I've cooked.

I start.

~Furete yubi ga oshiete kureru nukumori

Shinjitai atata to koyoii hiraku yume. ~

I can hear Satoshi join in the song.. He's horrible but I cant help but smile as I sing.

~ Ai wa towa o kanaderu shirabe

utagau nu yona omoi ja nai no ~

He suddenly points to the door and I see Harumi sitting by herself eating. " Harumi, are you sure you don't want to come with us? Everyone is there!" I invite her and she shakes her head.. I nod and frown.. She's always alone.. I cant help but worry for her well being..

Satoshi and I start our walk back to the zodiac dorm. I see a boy walking in the dark.. Alice-chan's friend. He silently walks past us.

We walk into the party room holding the food and they cheer. I sit down after passing out the food. A girl sits silently in the corner before holding up  notebook. I dont pay much atention to this.. 

" Tatsuya, " Satoshi motions for me to follow him. "I need to tell you. Things are going to get a bit messy from here on. I need you to be careful ok? Tohotsuki is going to be a big mess in a few months and i need you to know that what ever you decide. which ever side you pick, I love you. " 

I dont understand what he's talking about but i nod. I smile. A genuine smile and he had a shocked face for an instant. I can see his clearn blue eyes. 

I hug him as hard as i can. 

" Satoshi, can I tell you a secret?" he nods and i gulp down all of my nervousness. 

" I dont know how to love anyone beside my cousins and my grandfather. I never had a family to love me, I never had friends to love and cherish. I didnt grow up with siblings to adore. I donwt know how to love someone. I only know how to take care of people. That's all ive ever done since i got here. Took care of myself, of little Erina and Harumi. I dont know how to love you. I dont want to mix up attachment with love. I dont want to confuse myself with being thankful and being in love. I dont want to lead you on but i dont want to let you go. I want to keep you all to myself.. but i also dont want to hold you back. " 

We're on the balcony and we can see the clear sky above us.

He has a smile on his lips. " Then i'll teach you. I show you my way of loving someone so that you'll only love me. I'm selfish like that. I want you all to myself and no one elses. I want you to only look at me and noone else. You mine. " I see his true colors. I always knew he was a snake at heart. Strangling his victims until they're rendered useless. Until they cant figt back. I knew.. I kew from the moment i saw him in the kitchen. He knew exactly what he needed to do to force me to let my guard down.. To let him i.. I knew but i welcomed it.. 

" Be mine and only mine. Tatsuya.. I'll keep you all to myslef and keep you trapped in my arms. " He wraps his arms around me and i feel intozicated by his scent. I knew this was going to happen the moment i layed eyes on him. The moment he told me his name. The moment he smiled at me. He know just who i am. He's a greedy boy who wants everything to himself. but like he said, People are mirrors. 

I think i wanted him all to myself too. 

" I'm yours so dont hurt me" 

It's over.. I'm his. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2018 ⏰

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