Ωchapter:1 new lifeΩ

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(Y/n) (L/n) a poor soul lost within the underground city with the vampires along with other humans called 'livestock'. Her whole world changed when she turned into a vampire forcefully.

"(Y/n)-chan, come on! We dont have all day!!" uta said motioning (y/n) to hurry up. "I know i know im coming! Your so desperate" (y/n) said rolling her eyes & sighing before leaving her little shed with the rest of her family.

Tonight was the night where they would leave that horrid place called 'home' from the vampires. She had a plan to escape in the underground tunnels where water passed. Luckily (y/n) had a map she stole from a noble who enjoyed having her over his house for a 'meal' (you know sucking her blood). She also has a sharp silver knife in case something happened....which she hoped nothing would be wrong.

"(Y/n) are we almost there yet?" yuki asked in a boring tone. "Hush! You dont want to alert them that where here" (y/n) said with her index finger on yuki's lips keeping her from answering back.

(Y/n)'s family were mostly little kids except her & another boy named Shiro. He was 8 years old like you. The others were Uta, Yuki, & Mimi. Uta & Mimi were 6 whike yuki was 4.

'yes we're gonna make it we're almost there!' (y/n) thought while leading her family up the stairs.

They began walking towards the exit when someone appeard infront of them. 'oh no! Who is he?!' (y/n)'s (e/c) orbs widened in surprise to see none other than the famous noble, Ferid Bathory. "Well well, look at what we have here....poor little lambs trying to escape." he said while staring at all of our faces paralized in fear & shock.

In a blink of an eye, he grabbed Yuki & sucked her dry. "Oh, what? Out already? How pathetic" he said while throwing her lifeless body to the ground like some rag doll.

(Y/N)'S POV:

"YUKI!!!!" was all i could say at the moment. I was soaked in fear & anger. I couldnt stop shaking. My hands turned into fist. I felt warm tears streaming down my (e/c) eyes.

I wanted this to end. I wanted to escape. I wanted to be free. I grabbed my silver knife in my fist & made my way towards that vampire who just stood there laughing. "EVERYBODY RUN! NOW!!!" i said while trying to stab into hus chest. Unfortunately he dodged all of ny attacks easily. 'damn vampire' i thought, when he was suddently out of my sight & charged towards Mimi stabbing her in her chest with his hand. He did the same for Uta & Shiro. "stop....w-what did u d-do!?" i said screaming in rage. "ILL KILL YOU!!!" i said stabbing him in his shoulder. "Well that wasn't very nice (y/n). What a shame, you were my favorite" with that he stabbed my chest then throwing me into the ground.

'this is it. Dont worry guys ill see u soon enough!' i thought as i felt my life slowly drifting away from me. My vision was turning blurry , when i suddently saw a little girl with pink long hair walking towards us.

"FERID! What did u do?!?!" she screamed at him throwing kicks which he dodge the first 2 but the third one sent him flying to hit the wall. "Now now Krul, lets not get violant" Ferid said while giving a small chuckle. "OUT OF MY SIGHT NOW!!!" those 5 words sent him running out of fear. She turned around to see the mess he had made. A small 'tsk' left her lips. She then stopped me breathing heavy with little life in me. She walked towards & knelt infront of me. "Aww look what he did to you my precious birdy. You know, you were one of my ffavorite. I wont let you go that easily." i stood there dumbfounded since i didnt know what she was talking about. "Now human, do u wish to live? I will grant u eternal life as a vampire" she said with no enotions spread on her face. "N-no...i wanna....d-die with the...rest of my f-fa-mily..." i said struggling to say those words as i was dying from blood loss. "Hmm, you dont have much of a choise now. You will forever be my cages little birdy." she said as she bit her wrist & sucking her own blood but not swallowing it.

With that she leaned down & our lips meet. I opened my mouth but only to be met with her crimson blood. I didnt wanna swallow but forced myself to. I felt a strong pain all over my body.


I just turned (y/n) into one of us. I was expecting her eyes too change. But to my surprise only her right eye changed into a dark crimson red. She now had heterochromic eyes. 'hmm interesting' i thought as she suddently sprang up to bite by neck. It was harsh.

(Y/N)'S POV:

I suddently felt my throat go really dry. I felt thirsty. No water couldn't satisfy it. Only blood. I stood up to grab the nearest person i could get. It was Krul. I sank my fangs into her neck sucking her blod, i didnt realize my actions. "There there my birdy, drink as much as you like." cruel said caressing my (h/c) locks. Thats when i snapped out of it & said "WHAT DID U DO TO ME?!?!" my eyes were wide as saucers. I couldn't believe it. "Im....im a v-vampire..!"

That's when my life changed from human to a blood sucking monster.

A/N: whoop whoop, helloo my precious reader-chan! This is my 2nd fan fic I've written so far. The other one is in quotev! (ask in the comments if u wanna check it out *wink*) Anyways~~ i just wanted to say that i hope ya' enjoy it! Plz give it a ❤. Ill update soon maybe on sunday no promise tho! (; COMMENT what u think plz! Goodbyeee until next timee!


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