Ωchapter 6:new love?Ω

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A/n: Ahoy mateys! Sorry for not updating. I was busy with school work. Ye' know! All that borin' shit. Well the title "new love?" means that some else loves reader-chan!


It was a nice sunny day. Shinoa & (Y/n) were looking for Yuu. "Dammit! Where did he go now" (y/n) growled feeling slightly pissed at Yuu always leaving without warning. "We already checked all over school. There's only one place we haven't gone too..." Shinoa said heading up some stairs leading to..."the roof!" (y/n) grinned widely knowing he would be there. (Y/n) grabbed Shinoa by the wrist & began dragging her up the stairs (a/n: they were running up the stairs)

Once they got to the door, Shinoa took the lead & opened it. (Y/n), being the childish being she is, pushed Shinoa out the way to look for Yuu. "I see Yuu! Wait...hes with another girl!" (y/n) squealed in excitement since she knew exactly what was happening. There stood the girl Yuu had saved from the vampire, with a light purple letter behind her back. It was closed up with a teddy bear sticker. "Shhh...he's getting a confession, how adorable, he's finally growing up!" Shinoa beamed lightly clapping her hands, with a huge smirk planted on her face.

The girl gave Yuu the 'love' letter & ran out the door. Yuu stood there blushing & slightly dumbfounded at the sudden run away. 'sorry but my heart belongs to (y/n)' he thought putting the letter in his pocket.

"My, my, i guees its only natural for the school hero to become popular with the girls, dont let it go to your head~" Shinoa said revealing herself along with (y/n). (Y/n) ran up to him & tackled him into a hug.  Her arms were around his neck while her face was at the crook of his neck. Yuu blushed more at the sudden affection & because he could feel her hot breath hitting his neck. He slowly wrapped his arms around her waist & placed his chin on top of her head. 'i love you...(y/n)' yuu thought enjoying the hug not wanting to let go. But...Shinoa interrupted the sweet moment. "In no time we'll have a trail of broken hearts to mend." Yuu scoffed & snapped back pulling away from the hug to face Shinoa "quit talking as if you know me. Im not a heart breaker, okay" "ahh, i see, so you're a virgin...might as well end (y/n)'s virginity along with yours. I know you want to~" Shinoa said the last part in a sing song tone. "What?!" yuu & (y/n) said in unison. Both were blushing madly. Shinoa chuckled while saying "these days virginity is considered a mortal sin. Thats why the demon army encourages everyone to form sexual relationships & that includes you both!" Shinoa turned around making a heart with her hands. "W-well...im sure Yuu already has a c-crush..." (y/n) said looking down trying to hide her blush, while twiddling with her fingers. "Y-yeah... Anyway, can i ask you something? Is there a reason why im, i mean we're still stuck in this dump. We already passed Guren's stupid test & we were assigned to the vampire extermination unit. So why are we wasting time playing 'school kids' " Shinoa stood there with a bored expression that says really-this-crap-again. "Sorry but that's a question for the lieutenant colonel, not me."

(Y/N)'S POV:
I just stood there hearing Yuu argue about still not being in the unit. What i really wanted to do was run. I wanted to run away, & lock myself in my room till the pain was gone. I haven't drank blood in 2 weeks. I cant control myself anymore. My throat is aching for some sweet delicious blood...no, i musn't. I need to control myself for Yuu. I don't want to become the monster i really am.

'Dammit! Control yourself, (y/n), now is not the time!' i thought as i was staring at Yuu & Shinoa for her cursed gear. "Oh god, what an idiot" i mumbled trying to forget the pain i was feeling. After the fight was over (shinoa clearly won). I said my goodbyes. "Guys, I'll catch up to you later. Im not feeling good..." Shinoa nooded in acknowledment, but Yuu...

"Ill go with you! You're looking really flustered (y/n), what's wrong?" right after he finished asking, i felt a sharp pain in my right eye, where my eyepatch was. I winced in pain & quickly put a hand over the eyepatch. "N-nothing...I'll be fine. I just need some reast, that's all." "okay, if you say so...if anything happens look for me ok?" Yuu said walking up to me & hugging me. "Y-yeah..." My face was at the crook of his neck. I could sense the blood flowing in his veins. I need it, now! I shut my eyes tightly & without realizing i licked his neck. A small gasp was heard from Yuu. I ran to the door, opening & slamming the door shut. 'i need to tell guren!'

I quickly ran straight towards his office. Once i got there, i opened the door, not caring about the fact that i didnt knock. "Ugh...don't you know how to kno-" Guren's eyes widened once he saw me. I was leaning on the wall, not able to stand up straight. My face was red since i was flushed & tears were streaming down my cheeks. My tongue stuck out, signaling i was thirsty. "H-help" it came out in a weak whisper. He immediately stood up & carrier me bridal style to the couch he had. He placed me in his lap before saying "You need blod right? Here, drink mine. Drink as much as you need" did he really say that? Am i hearing right? Or am i hallucinating? I looked up to see him pulling down his collar so i can have a better acses at his neck. "G-guren...no..." "(Y/n), hushh, you need too, just do it already." i cant believe this is happening. My colonel is offering me his blood.

"No...i-i cant..." i shook my head & looked down. Suddently, Guren pinned me down on the couch, he was on top of me. His hands held my wrist at each side of my head. "Thid is an order, you can't refuse. (Y/n) drink my blood." (a/n:*fangirl squeals*) He stared down into my (e/c) orb. I stood there shocked at what he said. 'i cant hold myself anymore' i thought & flipped us. Now i was on top of him. "Ill be gentle..." (a/n: thats what HE said XD) i leaned down to his neck. I gave it a long sedictive (u go girl!) lick. I then bit down gently. His blood started pouring into my mouth. My taste buds begged for more. I could hear the greedy big gulps i was taking. I heard a small moan from him. After 5 gulps (damn) i was finally satisfied. I pulled apart & saw blood trickle down his neck. I licked it & let my tongue swirl around his wound. I heard him let out a small moan. It must've pleased him since he gripped me from my hips.

"Im so sorry....i know im a horrible mons-" i was cut off by Guren's tender lips pressing against my soft ones. The kiss was rough yet passionate. I was surprised, i didnt know what to do, so i eventually kissed back. The kiss soon turned into a make-out session.


Guren was now on top of me, his hands still on my hips, keeping me close. My arms were around his neck to deepen the kiss. When suddently he did something unexpected. He grinded his body with mine. Our body's were pressed together. I could feel his erected member grow & slightly touch my womanhood (no they aren't nakes...yet, lol just kidding o-o)

I let out a loud moan from the pleasure i got. He took that as an advantage & slipped his tongue in my mouth, exploring every inch of my cavern. After awhile, we pulled away for air. I was a blushing mess. "I dont want to hear you call yourself a monster. I love you, (y/n). Never forget" i was paralyzed, 'he loved me..' i nodded. "Thanks Guren, i really needed that." (shes talking about the blood...you perv). "No problem, whenever you need more, dont hesitate to come to me." he gave me a wink before i walked out the room.

"My superior & i kissed...& he said he loved me....oh boy."

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