Chapter 5

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                I woke up, my head throbbing in pain. Looking around the small room, I couldn’t remember anything. Not even my own name. I jumped off the white bed and pain shot through my right leg. I bit my lip to keep myself from screaming out in pain. I struggled to lie back down onto my bed, but failed. I tried again and in seconds I was under the warm blanket. I closed my eyes. What the heck happened, and where am I? Then it came to me, I couldn’t remember anything. My eyes filled up with tears. I wiped the tears away and tried to fall asleep. I turned so that I lay on my side, facing the door.

                Drifting off to sleep, I heard the door open. I opened one eye and looked around. An unfamiliar boy came up to my bed. I shut my eye, pretending to be asleep.

                “Hey, it’s me Vladik. I hope you can hear me. Um I came to say sorry for what I did seven years ago, and for not saving you from the cars blow a week ago. I know I should’ve apologized earlier but I wanted to do it when you have awoken. I waited and waited and couldn’t wait any longer, so here I am apologizing.” His names Vladik, I’ve heard that name somewhere, I know I did. And his voice it sounded so familiar. I didn’t really understand the other words he said, except for that I’ve been hit by a car. I opened my eyes, Vladik smiled. But then his smile faded and he looked nervous. “Do you forgive me?” He mumbled fidgeting with his sleeve.

                “Forgive you for what?” I scrunched my brows in confusion. How could I forgive him if I didn’t even know for what, and who he was? Vladiks face held a hint of confusion and anger.

                “Seven years ago, remember? And the accident. You were in an accident, a car hit you and I tried so hard to get you out of the way, but it was too late. I’m sorry Nata, it’s all my fault, I shouldn’t have followed you. I knew it was a bad id-“

                “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I cut him off looking him straight in the eyes. None of this made sense to me. Vladik looked at me shocked.

                “No. No this can’t be. Nata you have to remember something, anything!” His voice quivered. He sounded scared, should I be as scared as him?

                “I’m sorry Vladik, nothing comes to my head.” I said, I felt myself getting scared.” Maybe you can help me remember who I am?” I added looking up at his gorgeous face. He really was gorgeous. He nodded and took a deep breath. Settling into the chair beside my bed, he took another deep breath.

                “Your name is Nata. And I’m Vladik.” He paused as if he was thinking of what to say next.”Your friend. You have an older sister, Marina. A twin brother, David. You don’t have a mom because you lost her seven years ago. But you do have a dad. He really cares about you and wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he lost you. You go to a school called Jess Lee High. Your best friend is Korina. Before the accident she got mad at you. Let’s see what else. Oh yes! You’ve been out for a week since your accident. You hit your head pretty hard, so that must explain why you don’t remember anything.” He paused. I motioned for him to go one with my hand.”You broke your right leg and that’s the only thing you broke. The doctors said once you wake up you will be able to go home. And before coming in to visit you, I was on the phone with Korina. She will be here shortly with Rusya. Rusya is her boyfriend and a really nice guy. David’s also coming with your dad. Marina can’t come because she works, so you will meet her at home.” Vladik seemed calm. But I was crying. He put his hand up to my cheek as the door opened. A girl came in with some guy attached to her side. Korina and Rusya, I thought, checking them out. Korina was a girl you would envy for her pin straight hair and gorgeous face. Rusya looked like the type of guy any girl would love to have as a best friend.

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