Chapter 8

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Ehh this chapter might suck im having major writers block :/ well anyways enjoy!! :)oh and its kinda short


                “Nata, are you okay?” Marina asked me, walking out of the kitchen. I looked up at her pretty face and couldn’t get any words out of my mouth. Nodding my head I wiped the tears from my eyes and stood up off the floor.

                “No you aren’t, come on want to talk about it?” She asked touching my shoulder. I smiled slightly at her.

                “I’m okay Marina seriously its nothing.” I answered her, as I began to walk towards my room. Marina grabbed the back of my sweater and pulled me back.

                “No Nata, you crashed into the house crying and you’re trying to tell me everything is ok?” As she said this she raised an eyebrow and waited. I sighed and opened my mouth about to say something but then I closed it again. If I told her I knew what she would tell me to do. Break up with him. The answer was simple, right there in front of my eyes. But I didn’t want to do it. I love him, or maybe not. I didn’t know what I was feeling.

                “Listen Marina I don’t want to talk about it. Maybe later. I’m wicked tired.” I muttered looking past her shoulder. She nodded and let go of my sweater. I ran up the stairs as Marina walked back into the kitchen. She looked hurt. When we were younger I would always tell Marina everything, she’s the only person who knows everything about.

                As I walked into my room I realized that I’m beginning to remember things, I guess I didn’t notice it earlier. Looking at the pictures hanging off my wall I remembered putting them up with Korina, it made me realize that old memories were coming back. My mind wandered on to the other things I remembered. Then it hit me, ever since the hospital I haven’t had one memory of my mother. But the weird part was those words Daniel said to Vladik they hurt me, why, I don’t know. I shook my head throwing those thoughts out of my mind.

                I changed into my light purple pjs and stood in front of the mirror. I was getting skinnier, it was too obvious. My hip bones stuck out and you could see my ribs through my shirt. I cringed at how sick my body looked. Retreating from the mirror I lay down onto my queen sized bed. I closed my eyes, and thought about Vladik. He was perfect. His smile made my heart melt. The way he holds me makes me go crazy, but something I don’t know what, was holding me back. It felt like my heart was telling me to let go of him. In my mind I kept saying but I love him. Still thinking about Vladik, I drifted off to sleep.

                I was sleeping when my ringtone woke me up. I jumped up from the bed and fell off bumping my head against my drawer. I landed on the ground with a thump. Groaning I stood up and rubbed my injured head. Grabbing my phone I answered, not bothering to see who was calling.

                “Hello?” My voice sounded so sleepy, I cleared my throat.

                “Hey, Nata.” Vladik answered. My stomach did a nervous flip. I plopped down onto my bed.

                “Um what’s up?” I muttered twirling my finger in my hair.

                “Marina just called me, are you okay?” I groaned and silently cursed. Why did she have to do that? I took a deep breath.

                “Its nothing Vladik really, my stomach was just killing me.” I said, I was surprised at how easily I could lie. It sounded like a logic answer. I heard Vladik sigh through the phone. I waited for his answer, nervously tapping my thigh.

                “You’re lying. Tell me what’s going on?” Vladik commanded. I shut my eyes for a second taking a deep breath.

                “Vladik, I want to remember something about my mother.” I breathed out just in time before I told him the truth.

                “There was this doll your mother gave to you.” Vladik said a hint of nervousness filled his voice.

                “Go on.” I answered holding my breath, first time I hear about a doll.

                “Well when you were about 9 your mother gave you this Barbie doll. She looked just like your mother. You were in love with the doll.” Vladik said, I could hear the nervousness rise.

                “What happened to the doll?”

                “Well you brought her to school and I broke her.” He answered quickly, before he could say anything else I hung up. The memories just kept flooding in. Vladik’s smug face as he took the doll out of my hands. The broken pieces lying all over the ground. Tears blinding my eyes as I quickly gathered the pieces.

                My heart was beating fast and tears streamed down my face. I picked up my phone and dialed Vladik’s number.

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