Chapter 6

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Sorry it sucks and its shortt XP


                The six weeks flew by, and I now could walk on my right leg. I could probably run on it too, but I’d rather not.

                The bell ran, signaling the end of 4th period. I gathered my stuff and hurried out the door. I had lunch and I didn’t want to get there late. My stomach had been growling since this morning.

                Walking into the lunchroom, Korina linked arms with me. I jumped from surprise.

                “What are you going to eat?” She asked swinging her other arm. She swung it so hard; it looked like any second now it would break off.  

                “Something delicioso.” I said in a Spanish accent and smiled my white American smile. Korina chuckled.

                “Ima eat chees sticks with pizza.” She let go and walked into the fourth door as I walked into the third. The way our cafeteria worked was a method I couldn’t get used to. The first two lines consisted of healthy meals, kids barely used those doors. The second two lines had junk food, you know the food most American kids love. Those lines were always jammed. I sighed taking out two dollars.

                “Mac and cheese with a Chicken patty.” I spoke. The cafeteria lady behind the counter gave me a nasty look and handed me a tray with my order. What’s her problem?

                I handed my money to the other lunch lady and walked out. I walked over to mine, Koris, Rusyas, David’s, and Vladik's usual table.

                Rusya and Vladik already sat talking about something I couldn’t hear. Vladik looked up and quickly shut up as I put my tray down.

                “What are you guys talking about?” I asked cheerfully opening my milk.

                “Nothing.” Vladik mumbled quickly, a little too quickly. I turned to Rusya expecting a different answer.

                “What Vladik said, nothing.” Rusya shrugged looking down at his tray. That was weird.

                “Hello guys!” Korina chirped, placing her tray next to Rusyas. Vladik shifted uncomrtorably, stealing a glance at me. I tilted my head slightly to the right; my face expression read “What’s wrong?” Vladik quickly looked away, his face reddened.

                “Hey.” Vladik and Rusya muttered at the same time. I wonder, what’s up with them two? Did Korina notice their strange behavior? I looked over at Korina, but she was too absorbed in her pizza to notice. I sighed picking up my Chicken patty. I’ll deal with this later; right now I got a stomach to feed!

                “Vladik, I got to talk to you?” I said pulling Vladik by his sleeve. He turned to look at me a nervous expression took over his face. I pulled him aside, so that we weren’t being run over by the big flood of high schoolers coming from lunch.

                “What is it?” He asked looking nervously over my shoulder. I snapped my fingers causing him to turn his attention back to me.

                “What’s wrong?” I said my voice hoarse. I cleared my throat embarrassed by my voice. “What’s wrong?” I repeated this time my voice as clear. Vladik stared deep into my eyes. My heart began to beat fast and I found myself getting lost in his eyes. He grabbed my hand and a tingle ran down my arm. I shivered.

                “Nata.” He whispered leaning in so that his lips were close to my ear. “I’ve been meaning to ask you this forever.” He stopped and I could feel his breath on my ear. My skin broke out in goose bumps and I shivered yet again. “Will you be my girlfriend?” My heart melted at those words. I wanted to say yes so badly, but something was holding me back. I didn’t know what it was. I closed my eyes and suddenly I couldn’t breathe. Panic began to rise through my body. Then I remembered a lesson in health. When you have trouble breathing remember to just calm down and inhale slowly and exhale. I did just that and found myself breathing like a normal person.

                “So what do you say?” Vladik said, his voice held a hint of impatience and nervousness. I didn’t know what to say, my mind was screaming no, but my heart said yes.

                “Yes.” I finally answered. Vladik broke into a smile and he wrapped his hands around my waist. Snaking my arms around his neck, someone poked me in my back.

                “Hey Love birds you guys are going to be late for class!” Korina sing songed and stalked off towards her next class. Vladik let go of me and we walked off to our next class.

                After school we decided to go to Starbucks. Walking into the small coffee shop I got deju vu. It passed by in no time and I plopped down next to Vladik, while Rusya and Korina took the seat across from us.  Rusya looked at Vladik with a questioned expression. Vladik reached over taking my hand in his. Rusya smiled nodding his head. A waitress came up to our table and took our orders.

                We didn’t sit in Starbucks for long and decided to go ice-skating. I’ve only remembered going ice skating once in my life. We walked in paying for our skates. Putting them on a boy who had just walked out of the rink caught my eye. He looked like someone I knew. But I couldn’t remember his name. He pulled off his skates and plopped down next to me. I bent my head tying my ice-skates ignoring the weird feeling I had. As soon as I finished tying my skates I stood up ready to walk into the rink when a hand pulled me back.

                “Hey…” It was the boy he squinted his eyes for a second. Then they grew wide and he smiled showing off this perfect teeth.” Nata! Oh it’s so great to see you!” the boy said giving me a hug. I stood there dumbfounded.

                “I’m sorry but who are you?” I asked irritated. Vladik Rusya and Korina were already skating probably wondering where I am. The boys smile faded and I could see he was really hurt.

                “Daniel.” He answered with a blank stare. I stood there, his name ringing in my mind. Then I remembered. I remember his face his smile. I remembered the way he had comforted me when I was crying. But why was I crying, I didn’t know. I hugged Daniel, he jumped, surprised.

                “Daniel! Oh my gosh, I missed you so much!” I squealed tightening my grip on him. I looked over his shoulder and saw Vladik standing there with an angry expression. He walked out of the rink and tapped Daniel on the shoulder. Daniel let go of me and turned around.

                “Stay away from my girlfriend.” Vladik said through clenched teeth. He wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me close to him. Daniel looked from me to Vladik with his mouth open. Then his face clouded and he looked Vladik straight in the eyes and said something that hurt me more than anything.

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