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I stared at the pregnancy test. I saw the + sign. I dialed August's number.

" Hello?" he answered after the third ring


"Bae, whats wrong?" he asked

" I think I'm pr- pregnant."

" Hold on, I'm on my way." He hung up.

I started crying. I might be pregnant at the age 18 with no house or a job. What will happen when my mom finds out? Oh my gosh, what if she kicks me out? The only other people I can live with is my grandma or August.

"Miyah! Open the door!" August yelled banging on the door.

I opened the door to be greeted by August's confused yet happy face. I started crying again.

"August, I'm scared. It will hurt and I never had a baby before."

"I will be there the whole time." He smiled and kissed me. That was the last time I seen him.

************************************ 5 years later******************************************************

" Toni can I go home? I'm tired and my feet hurt." I asked our new recording intern. He still doesn't know how to use the recording board thingy. I keep forgetting the name.

"Not until I get this." He said not looking up from the board.

"You use these for the bass, these for the volume, and these if you want to make an echo. Yo Cam, can I get a foot massage?" I asked my best friend since the sixth grade. Camiree Annamarie Martinez. She stuck up for me when I got bullied and that's when she became my best friend. I love this girl to pieces. In my opinion, She has a black girl body for a white girl. She got a big behind, breasts are nice size, and don't get me started on other places.

"Hold on, let me finish trying to put Liyah to sleep. She has been active all day." She replied while rocking Liyah to sleep.

Kaliyah Lee-Ann Alsina. My beautiful 5 year old daughter. Damn, August missed 5 whole years of his daughter's life. Not to mention she keeps asking for him. "Mommy who's my dad?" It hurts to tell her that her dad might not come to see her but that's what I have to do. But afterwards she goes back to playing with her dolls and being to herself. She doesn't have many friends. She is super shy. I sometimes think that the girls at her school are a little too fresh. They got to school wearing these coochie cutters and half shirts. As a mother of a 5 year old, how do you let a 5 year old go out the house like that? Thats probably why she doesnt have many friends, maybe to stay away from it. I really dont know.

" Alright, feet up come on." I gladly put my feet on Cam's lap. When I tell you that foot massage was needed, I am telling the truth.

" So, anything on where to find August?" she asked looking like she was ready to tell me something.

"No why?"

"Well, he might get signed here."

I completely froze. I havent seen August in five years. I cant face him. He up and left me while I was pregnant and had nowhere to go. Luckily, my grandma understood my situation because she was in the same situation with my father.

"Wait, whens his meeting?" I asked moving my feet of her lap.

"In 20 minutes. Why?"

"I dont look presentable to have a meeting with someone. Do you know that if I dont represent this company in the RIGHT way, Wayne will FIRE me." I said as I ran to the back and put on my Black pants suit.



I was in the elevator hear a female talking and then I heard footsteps. The doors opened and I saw Cam.

"Cam, what you doing here?" I said as I walked up to her.

" Hello August, Ms. Lee will be with you in a minute." Ms. Lee, why does that sound familiar. As I was thinking, a little girl came running up to Cam crying. Damn, that little girl look like me.

" Auntie Cam, the monster trying to get me!" she yelled. She looked at me.

"August?" I heard a voice say. I looked up to see Amiyah in Pants suit. I was suprised to see her. She looks much more mature. Her breast were fuller, her hips spread and that ass😏. She looked so suprised and angry at the same time.

" Please come to the back." She said as she picked up the little girl and walked to the back.


Hey guys! So this is actually the first book I have gotten this far on. Hope you guys like it!

Kaliyah in multimedia

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