Chapter 2

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I don't know what happened but I had to kiss her. In the kiss I was saying sorry for leaving you. I abandoned her when she needed me the most. I never left I was just trying to find the guys who killed my brother. I saw her everyday. I never saw the little girl though. She was always by herself. She pulled back from the kiss and hugged me.

"I forgive you." she pulled from the hug and left with Kaliyah on her hip.

I sat down and put my head in my hands.

"You love her dont you son?" Mr. L said as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah but I doubt that she will take me back."

"Well, you just have to take your time with her. Now, time for me to get home to my wife. 10 years with no pussy. I need to get home." he said as he stood up and held his belt buckle.

"Iight Mr. L" I laughed. He walked out and into the elevator.

I got up after him and was on my way to sit in the big brown comfy chairs, only to see Toni with Cam up against the wall. He was grinding into her. I started laughing and they stopped.

"UGH! Damn it Toni! You know what, lets go back to my place and finish. Bye August." she said as she practically dragged Toni to the elevator.

I sat down in one of the chairs and dialed up my white best friend, Kylan, number. He answered on the fourth ring.

" Nigga!" he yelled through the phone. This dude is white but acts like he black all time!

"Guess who I saw?"

"Who ? Martin Lawrence ? Did you get his autograph for me nigga ?" This guy .. 😒

"Amiyah.." I said kicking my feet up.

"You dead ass ? Amiyah from high school ?" he said all surprised.

"Yes. Who else would I be talking about?"

"I don't know. But what happened?"

"Well, I found out I have a daughter. Ill send you a picture later. And me and her spent the day together a-"

"Who? You and your daughter or you and Amiyah?"

"My daughter. And then me and Miyah kissed.. 😏"

"Ohh Sheeeiiitt! August got his high school love back ! TURRN UUPPP!" he said being hella loud in my ear. I pulled the phone away from my head.

"Nigga shut up! You sound ratchet! And thats not even the case. It was just a sympathy kiss.."

"Mmmhhhmmm. You know damn well that wasn't no sympathy kiss." He said in a ghetto girl voice.

Lord what am I going to do with this nigga right here ?


I just came back from Kaliyah doctors appointment. They said she has a black spot on her lungs and thats why she has been coughing all the time. They think its from second hand smoke but they want to run test and take tissue and stuff. I brung her to her room and laid her down in her bed. I walked down the hall to my room. I laid down on my peach colored bed spread and put my arm over my eyes.

"*sighs* I have to pee... BUT I JUST GOT COMFORTABLE! 😩" I said as I removed my arm from over my eyes. I did my business and laid back down.


"WHAT THE FUCK!" I screamed as I got up for the second time.

I opened the door only to be kissed. I opened my eyes to see August. I closed them and made the kiss deeper. He pushed us against the wall. I jumped up and put my legs around his waist. He carried me upstairs, never breaking the kiss. He walked through my door and closed it with his foot. He laid me down and was about to remove my pants until his phone rang.

"Hello.... Nahh Im busy... Iight... One" He hung up and proceeded. He slide my panties off and then he rubbed clit with his thumb.

"August..." I moaned/whispered. He got on his knees and started feasting.

"AUGUST!.... MMM YES!" His tongue game was on point. He was licking, sucking, slurping.

I started feeling like I had to pee.

"August.. mm. Wait I have to pee. Mm!"


"August.. mm. Wait I have to pee. Mm!" I knew right then and there she was gon squirt. I ignored her and sucked really hard.

"AHH!" She screamed as she came. I guess she was on another strawberry diet because thats what she taste like it. I got up and seen she was knocked out. I put the cover over her and walked out.

"Daddy!" Kaliyah yelled as she ran to me. I picked her up and kissed her all over her face.

"Wassup baby girl." I walked down the stairs.

"Are you hungry?" I said as I made it to the kitchen.

"Yes. Can I have dinosaur chicken nuggets?!" She said as she started bouncing up and down.

"Sure. Go watch Dora until Im finished okay?"

She nodded and then ran into the living room.

*After he cooked and she ate*

"Its like a little baby unicorn." Can anyone guess what movie we are watching? 😏

At the beginning, she sung the while song when the little girl was at the door. Amiyah walked downstairs and saw us having fun.

"MOMMY!" Kaliyah got up and ran to her.

"So your gonna leave me like that?" I said as I pouted. She let Amiyah go and came and hugged me.

"AUGUST! GETCHA FEET OFF MY DAMN COFFEE TABLE!" Miyah screamed at me as she walked out the kitchen. Just then the door opened and in walked in Amiyah's Grandma.

"I know I didn't hear you cursing mija." she said as she carried carried groceries to the table. She didn't even notice me.

"Hey ma. Did you say hi to August and Kaliyah?" Miyah said as she hugged her.

Nana whipped her head around so fast, Im surprised she didn't break her neck.

"August! My favorite!" I stood up to hug her.

"How have you been, August? You gotten so muscular!" She said as she felt up my arms.

"I have been muy bueno. How have you been?"

"Ive been okay. Are you staying for dinner?" She asked straightening my shirt.

"Yes ma'am."

The door opened. "Hey ma. You asked me to bring Lo to.. Oh shoot." 😳 Mr. L said as he walked in with his wife behind him.

"Amiyah. Baby listen,"

"WHY THE FUCK IS THAT BITCH IN MY DAMN HOUSE?!" Amiyah lunged toward her mother.

Lord give me strength.

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