Chapter 1

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Amiyah is on the cover! Enjoy!



When I saw August, I wanted to kick him, slap him and kiss him all at the same time. I just walked away because I knew that those three things would happen. I sat down in one of the three chairs with a confused Kaliyah on my lap.

"Mommy, who was that?" she asked looking at me. Before I could answer, August walked in. She looked at him and asked "Are you my daddy?" At that moment something must've clicked in his head because he walked up to her and hugged her. I started crying because this is the moment I have been waiting on.

"Yes, I am. And I promise I will be here from now on." He said as tears came out his eyes. She started giggling when August started tickling her. He picked her up and asked, "Can I take her with me for today?"

"Sure. But be back here at *looks at watch* 5:15 for her doctor's appointment." I say. He just nods and goes out the door. I got up after them and went out the door to see Cam and Toni lip locking. I started laughing and they both stopped and gave me an innocent smile.

"Hey Amiyah. We were just um..-"

"I knew you guys were feeling each other." I said cutting Cam off. I walked in my office to see someone that I have wanted to see since left.

"DADDY!" I ran up to him and gave him the biggest hug. See, my dad left for the navy when I was in the 8th grade. I really missed him.

" Hey babygirl." He said hugging me back.

"How are you?" I asked.

" Missing my three favorite ladies. You, my mother and Loraine." he said. I cringed when he said my mother's name. He must've saw because he gave me a look saying," I'm sorry for bringing her up." He knew about the whole incident we had.

" So, when did you get home?" I asked stuffing my face with the food he brought, pizza and wings with a small sprite.

"Last night, I wrote you but you must've moved because it came back saying that it was vacant." He said watching me. His face read disbelief. I forgot to tell him I moved and my appetite changed.

" Yeah I moved. Once they found out I gave birth to August's Daughter, they fu- I mean freaking flooded Granny's lawn." I said. My dad doesnt like when I curse. He says it lessens my beauty. For the rest of the time, we hung out in my office and caught up on things that we missed out of each others lives. At exactly 5:00 August came in with a sleeping Kaliyah on his shoulder. As soon as he laid her down, she popped right back up.

"Papi!' She screamed as she ran to my father. She knows that is her grandfather because he used to send pictures for her.

"Hey Papi's favorite girl." He said as he threw in the air.

"Hi mommy. Guess what? I learned daddy had a brother who died. His name was Uncle Melvy!" she said.

As soon as she said that, tears started coming out of August's eyes. I went over to hug him.

" I still deal with his death today, Yah." He said while hugging me.

" I know but you have to be strong. For your nieces."

He looked and thanked me with his eyes. He started leaning in. And so did I. I was trying to stop but it was like body was like "keep going, you want this" Our lips met.

He kissed me .

And I kissed back....


Hey! So I have to say that from now on this tory will be made up a little.

<3 ya!

Cam in mm

Also Amiyah has a sister, Tramia!

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