Chapter 4: Spencer

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I walk towards the dorms in hopes to find Peters the guard that usually brings in the newbies uniforms. I find him in his dorm writing a letter. He sees me enter and places down the letter politely.

"Writing to your mom?" He nods. I begin pacing, my nervous twitch.

"You came for a reason, I assume?" He concludes. I pace around another two laps and work up the balls to say it.

"Yeah did those twins get here this morning?" He nods again. Why did I ask this I already knew they were coming today. I just need to know where they are, specifically Ruth.

"Dorm 20-L" he says as if reading my mind. "what is the guys name?" he asks smirking.

"Orsic. You think he's hot don't you? anyway I don't think you're his type, Peters."

"You never know with these army guys, Spence." He winks at me then laughs. I turn away rolling my eyes and head off to dorm L. I stride quickly down the long hallway and turn into my old dorms. I see Orsic curled up on a cot. I roll my eyes and turn on my heals and begin to head toward the door when I see Ruth appear. She stops in, what I can only assume is, astonishment. I haven't seen her in two years and stopped sending her letters after a month or two. I got busy then ran into Leo. I see a small tear run down her face, I tense. How could I do what I did to her, my best friend? she was going to hate me but I was prepared to take on the consequences.

"Spence, is it really you?" her voice shakes as she approaches me like a frightened animal. She hugs me.

"yeah its me, Rue" i wrap my arms around her uncomfortably

"I though you were... um, I didn't see your name in the data base."

"Not listed. I'm in special forces so they don't list those names." I say releasing my grip and pushing her light frame off me.

"Oh, well thank God you're okay. I've missed you. when you stopped writing I assumed the worst. "She looks at the floor and continues

"I can't wait to see everyone again and get to know some new people and reacquaint with a few old friends. um anyway, what are you doing today, think you could give me a tour?" she stumbles across he words awkwardly. We both realize that things had changed. She looks at me like I'm something to be feared now, like most of the people here do. Again I am an outsider and a stranger but this time to my best friend.

"look today is a really bad day for me but how about we talk later in the cafeteria. you're staying with the rest of the new recruits, you should make friends easily. Good luck no your first day, solider." I say sternly hoping it will give her a reason not to go back to being my friend. I walk sharply towards the door and give her a little nod before leaving. I better get home before I need to go to training. Hopefully I can consult with Leo.I unlock and enter the tiny white apartment in hopes of seeing Leo there, I look around and sigh, it's empty. The small apartment doesn't have much in it but it still manages to be messy, with clothing strewn around and empty coffee mugs placed at various points around the room. I close the door and decide to head to the second most common place Leo might be.

Making my way through the hallways I arrive at the rec room where I hear voices and laughing that's low and rough like Leo's. Leaning on the door frame I look inside and stare at him waiting for him to notice. It only takes him a couple seconds, he has combat training to thank for that, he quickly nods to his friends and walks over.

"Hey what's up?" he asks casually. I smile reassuringly perhaps a bit deceiving for what i'm about to tell him.

"Ruth's here"

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