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"The definition of pain is physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury." I don't look up from my fidgety hands. I had looked up the definition right after my mom's funeral. I couldn't understand what was going on.

"So your in pain, Miss Asher?" Mrs. Vaughn, my therapist  asks me. I hear her scribbling on her clipboard in her lap.

I shrug. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I mutter to her. Crossing my arms across my chest.

"You don't know that. I am on your side, Danielle." Mrs. Vaughn touches my knee. I jerk away from her touch. "I'm here for you. Your  stepfather feels like you need someone outside of your home to speak too about everything that has happened." 

I glance up from my lap, looking at her for the first time since I entered her office. She was a tall, slender woman  with platinum blonde hair that was pinned back into an almost perfect ponytail. Her big blue eyes looked at me with pity, everyone looks at me like that nowadays.   "If you were on my side, you wouldn't be pressuring me into telling you anything. I don't want to talk about it." I mutter with a slight growl escaping my lips. It angered me to my core that I have to talk to someone that doesn't understand me at all. Mrs. Vaughn doesn't know me or what I have been through.

Mrs. Vaughn looks frightened by me, but quickly composes herself. "You can't keep this bottled up. It's not healthy." She sits back. "So why don't you tell me what happened to your mother."

"She committed suicide." I whisper.

"Is that what you believe happened?"  Mrs. Vaughn asks, her head tilting in curiosity.

I look away from her and look out of the huge window beside me. "My brother found her that morning. I believe him."

"Where is Jason now?" Mrs. Vaughn scribbles down on her clipboard again.

"He left. He left the day after Mom's funeral. I wish he had taken me with him." I pull my knees up into the chair with me. Hugging them to my chest.

"Why do you wish that, Miss Asher?" I can practically feel the pity radiating off her still. I hate that word. Pity.

"Because he left me with a monster. That man that calls himself my Stepfather. But he isn't. He is far from being a parent. He made my mom kill herself." I couldn't hold it in and once I started, word vomit came streaming out of my mouth. "He hates Jason and I. He always has. The only person that kept him somewhat on a leash is gone. And he is going to make my life a living hell." Tears built up in my eyes as I said this to her.

"Danielle, your stepfather is the one who asked the school to help you. It might seem like he was the reason because you want someone to blame." Mrs. Vaughn says, completely ignoring me what I said as a whole. "Your mother was very depressed. Sometimes death seems like the only option for people in severe depression." She scribbles some things down before continuing. "Mr. Reynolds loves you and Jason like his own children. He just wants what's best for you. I promise. He spoke to me the other day when we had a meeting. He seems like a very nice man."

I shook my head. Unbelievable, he charmed my counselor with one meeting. I stood up, my hands cleched into fists at my side. "I think we are done here. Goodbye, Mrs. Vaughn." I make my way out of her office, slamming the door shut behind me.

4 Years Later...

"911, what is your emergency?" The operator asks on the other end of the phone.

"Please help me.." I struggle to say into the phone.

"Ma'am, what's wrong? You need to tell me so I can help you." The woman says soothingly.

"He stabbed me with a broken bottle. It is still in my stomach. hurts." I whimper. Rolling to my side, off of my stomach.

"Alright, ma'am. Try to not move. Can you tell me where you are? Who did this to you?" The operator says, I could hear typing in the background.

"My address is 4157 Dogwood Circle. Please hurry." Suddenly he grabs my feet.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" The monster growls. I drop my phone as he lifts me like a ragdoll and throws me. My body slams against the wall. Everything hurts now. My hand touches the tip of the bottle sticking out of my stomach. Blood. The bottle is coated with my blood, making my hands covered with it also.

I hear sirens approaching. The front door is busted down. And suddenly the cops shout out to the monster. I can't tell what they are saying. I'm in too much pain. I feel myself being lifted and carried. They lay me down on the gurney I suppose. I let out a shaky breath. It's over. Finally. And just to think two days from now I will be seventeen.

Happy Birthday, Danni!

***Hey Everyone! This is the new version of Raven's Eternal Rose. I unpublished it because I wasn't happy with it. Well I got inspiration for this new version. I hope you enjoy it! Comment and Vote!!! Thank you!!!***

H.0.L.Y ~ Damon Salvatore~Where stories live. Discover now