(33) Quick-Sand-Death

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Hey Everyone! Please read the notices below! Thanks

Just A few things

1) I read the first chapter and saw some of the confusion in it and Im sorry...

2) Katie has NOT shifted yet...sorry about that

3) Katie is 17!!! - I know I put 14, 15, 16,17 and 18 throughout...but that was a year ago when I was a bit of a moron ! (still am!) 

4) Any thing else your unsure of ask me and I will change them and ask your question! 

Kate xxxxxx

Chapter 33 

Katie’s Pov

Stepping slightly to the right I copied his movements; my knife was positioned ready to stab my heart thundering hard in my heart. He pushed back from his hind legs as he lunged for me again taking a second I launched myself on the floor only missing his large jaws slicing my hip by inches. Rolling on the ground I looked up and he was readying himself again! I can’t keep this up I could feel my body weakening from my minor injuries he had caused me.

I jumped up from the earth twisting my body as I dodge another attack; I let a fearful cry fall out of my mouth. I was going to die- none of our wolves could help me, I was far away from the rest of the fight and my brothers were nowhere near me. Please someone help me! I begged silently as air refilled my lungs.

I was tired of this fight – “Why?” I spat at him he growled in response.  “Why are you here?” my lip curled in disgust for this pathetic excuse for a man. 

The wolf began circling me again; every step he took I mirrored him like some sort of child’s game - roaring from this throat was a growl he hated this disrespect. 

“You think you deserve my respect” I laughed dryly, it was almost too funny that the man who wanted to kill me for falling in love was demanding his ‘Alpha’ respect. It made a strange snorting noise and flicked his claws to me fiercely. I did not flinch. 

“You make me sick – you try and harm a harmless female. On what ground – falling in love?” I paused for a moment watching his reaction. “But you know what that feels like don’t you.” I stated loudly 

“You couldn’t protect your own mate – so you test everyone else” as he made a sickening sound but I still continued “But she’s dead I’m afraid – Although if you were her mate I suppose she’s better off dead” Again I laughed dryly – feeling almost drunk-like with my fearless antics.

He growled once more before he launched himself at me. I did not have time to move as his claws grounded themselves inside my flesh and clawing through my side pushing me backwards- I used the last of my strength to slash the knife towards the creature. I heard a loud whimper as I was shoved back to mother earth.

The pain started to burst through me as I fell to the ground , my screams were loud and hollow I only hoped that my brothers couldn’t hear me as I feared for their safety, my mind couldn’t even think about Zeadon. My left side started to feel cold as the stench of blood reached my nose. I only screamed louder, the pain was unbearable – is this what death feels like?

I tried to look around for the wolf but found it hard as my vision was started to go fuzzy and blur. I could only just make out a dark figure running towards me. I had no fear left – I was going to die. I closed my eyes and thought about Zeadon, my brothers, my new sisters - they would cope without me surely?  They’re strong, unlike me.

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