(2) Sorry Sexy

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Chapter 2

Katie’s POV

The car ride to school was as normal as it would ever be with Jason driving, Nate playing with the radio, Shane reading a magazine of some sort, and me staring out the windows. I was staring out into the forest that surrounded our house and thinking I would go for a run when I got back from school. 

As we entered through the gates at school, we got the usual stares from the humans, both male and female. Many people loved my brothers but you can’t make friends without enemies’ right?  We got nods of respect from so younger werewolves from the pack. 

I stepped out of our old pickup truck, we had modified it a few years ago making it have front and back seats so we could fit more people inside, of course I had wanted to help them out so, over the years living with only boys I had learned a few things about cars. Even Jason made sure I knew how to hot wire a car when I was thirteen claiming that dad had showed him when he was that age and thought it was right to teach me.

I walked through the parking lot with Jason and Shane flanking me and Nate behind. This was our routine every single day since I started high school.  They think everyone is a threat to me, they wouldn’t leave me until I was safely in class surrounded by other werewolves from the pack. 

“Okay, I’m seventeen, and I would like to be able to go into school without having you by side and holding my hand. I’m a big girl now, I can look after myself you know,” I noticed how their faces changed to a state of horror then back to normal.  

I figured out many years ago that this means they were talking to each other mentally. 

Nate: She’s right 
Shane: No she's not! She just doesn’t realize the dangers around us, dangers of the male race specifically
Jason: She's Katie for god sake, our little sister... we should back off a bit, not a lot, but enough so she can actually make friends. And before you say it Shane, she doesn’t have any! 
Shane: No! I don’t want any guy putting any ideas in her head!   I wasn’t going to say that Jay, I know she doesn’t have any friends! 
Jason: They won’t!  We have been around her long enough to leave a message that she is not to be targeted. 
Nate: I know. There’s no guy here that would even dare to ask her out without asking us first!
Shane: I guess you’re right, but are you two feeling weird about backing off a bit?
Jason: Yeah, it feels like we were meant to be her protectors like dad would have been for her.
Nate: He would want us to do his job for him.
Shane: And we still will just from a further distance.

I walked to class without my brothers following me, but using my nose, I could still smell them close by. I was going to say something but I resisted, I knew it was hard for them to back off a bit after my parents died I knew they felt that they had to protect me but when you have the role of protective dad mixed with overprotective brothers you end up with Shane, Jason and Nate.  

I was about to head into my first class, which was English - when I was stopped by Kieran Smith. Kieran was known quite famously around the school as one of the biggest players. This was due to his one of a kind exterior, he had a god given body which to a werewolf looked amazing and a charm that could make a snake do anything, so girls fall in love with him but he’s never there to catch them. 

"Hey sexy" I grimaced at what he called me and well every other girl. 

I despise his kind because all they were looking for was an easy lay and by the opening line he gave me he was about to target me.

"What do you want Kieran?" I asked with distaste.

I didn’t expect him to pick up on the hatred that laced my words but as he had an amazing body a clever mind wasn’t added in with the package, so he didn’t.  He continued to talk.

"Well, I noticed your brothers aren’t with you..." I looked around me and gasped. 

“It seems you’re right.” I said."And I wanted to know if you wanted to go to couples mountain tonight?" he asked loudly so everyone could hear.

‘Couples Mountain’ was his famous place where he would take his dates and have his way with them then promise to call them later, but never does. I decided then and there, that the player has to be played. I batted my eyelashes and sent him a seductive smirk and walked really close up to him so that our chests were nearly touching. Looking up at him through my lashes and staring at him intently.
"Kieran, I’m so surprised you asked me," I rubbed my hand up and down his arm, remaining constant eye contact with him. 

If my brothers saw me now, I would have been mortified but I couldn’t smell them anymore so I kicked the flirtatious looks up a notch. "I mean with your body, and what all the girls say about you!" I giggled like a little school girl whilst biting my lower lip.

"What do they say babe?" He asked with a smirk playing at his lips.

I internally grimaced again at the pet name. I always felt like I was his when he said that only couples should use pet names such as that but I forced a giggle. I stepped up onto my tiptoes and leaned in close to his ear, then shouted, 

"That you have a small dick!” Everyone in the hallway turned stopped and stared at us, many stopped their conversations to here the gossip. I was nowhere near finished.

"That you pass out after, what was it -three minutes on a good day? Very impressive Kieran" I took a small step back so I could see the shock painted on his face then a burst of anger flooded through that manned my next action.

I kicked him straight and hard in his crotch. He did everything but muffles the sounds of his cries of pain and then used his hands to hold his crotch. The other students burst out laughing and many used their phones to record or take photos of this momentous occasion

I laughed, crouched down to his level, and said, "Sorry sexy." 

I turned around and walked straight into my class like I hadn’t just kicked one of the most popular guys in our school in his private parts. I held my head high but underneath my cool and calm exterior was this giddy little girl who finally stood up for herself.

Algebra was far-from boring, I found out that my little ‘performance’ with Kieran was recorded by most of students. It was now getting spread around the entire school via video message. I mentally groaned this would mean my brothers would hear of it by lunch, and no one would see Kieran or my brothers after lunch. I could just imagine what thoughts are running through my brothers connected little heads right now, it would most likely be revenge or a beating on my behalf knowing them.

Suddenly I stood up in the middle of class, our teacher Miss Hanagen stopped her boring lecture and looked at me in a rather rude, surprised and angry expression which was followed by her drab voice saying, “Miss Wood?” 

“Yeah, sorry. Do you mind me saying something?” Without waiting to hear her protests, I turned to the class.

“Hello, many of you have either witnessed, or been sent a video link on your phone of mine and Kieran’s argument before class,” Many people wolf whistled and I even got many cheers of congratulations from many of the girls he had played. 

After the cheering died down slightly, I continued.

“And because today is a very special day, I am inviting everyone to my house for a party to celebrate my seventeenth birthday tonight!” The classroom had erupted into celebration people typing the news onto their phones and many turning in their seats to organize carpooling and such with the person next to them. I sat down proud of myself, today I wasn’t ‘the Wood’s brothers little sister’ today I was Katie Woods, supreme legend!


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Thank CottonCandyEyes <--- my editor!

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