(35) OCD kicking in

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Hey I know it's only short but theres only one more chapter left!!!

Chapter 35

Katie’s POV

“Look at this mess” I cried out. I looked around the living room – or what was left of it anyway; my eyes scanned at the broken glass strewed all over the floor, covering the floor and most of the furniture. There was also a large scratch mark down the centre of sofa, I groaned loudly – that would have to be replace.

“Leave it, we can sort it out later” I turned my head to look at Zeadon who was leaning on the wall placing a shoe on his foot. I sighed and took one last look before heading over to Zeadon.  “I know, but it’s my OCD kicking in and all I want to do is clean everything up” I whined like a four-year-old. Zeadon chuckled at me “I know love, but we have to go see how the pack is doing” I nodded once again.

“C’mon” Zeadon motioned for me to take on of his hand and grabbed the car keys of Jason’s jeep with the other. It was decided that we were going to take the car as the woods would be out of bounds for everyone until all the bodies had been cleared from the fight. It made shudder at the thought of rotting corpses lying around the trees that I thought of as safe.

Driving the long way to the visitors pack house down the dust path, I reminded myself that I had to be strong and confident in front of these as one day I will become there leader next to Zeadon; my heart warmed in my chest and butterflies formed in my stomach at the thought of being with Zeadon for the rest of my life.

Zeadon’s POV

Keeping one eye on the road and the other on Katie I drove down to the pack house. My wolf was still on edge from the fight and is undoubtedly still overly protective of his mate.  Katie has surprisingly took this better than I had originally thought; of course she had that womanish feeling of wanting to clean and make sure everyone was okay, but she really needs to make sure she doesn’t out do herself. After this morning I could only feel love and admiration for this woman and I couldn’t wait until she was by my side as Luna.

My heart tightened and I pushed it out of my mind as a sense of depression filled me. No – concentrate on the now and the not the future. I pulled up in the pack house’s dusty driveway and saw many men and women walking around in the woods, as we passes Katie and I waved to those who saw us and we were greeted with half-smiles. I sighed loudly; there was a lot to be done.

Yanking on the hand brake, I watched as Katie stepped out the car. Not even waiting for me I silently followed her into the pack’s house – each step of her’s was with confidence and power – but to me she just look god damn sexy.

“Alpha” I heard as I stepped into the hallway, I saw many people from my pack including the injured boy’s parents. I shook the man’s hand as I went to go and greet them. “I’m Greg Higginson, and his is my mate and wife Julia” I knew his face, he was one of my best fighters – no wonder the boy wanted to be like his father “Hi, how is he doing” I looked from then and quickly over to Katie who was making her way around the room chatting easily to everyone, I smiled with pride. But soon it was gone again as I looked back to the parents.

“Tommy is doing....terrible...” the woman broke down into sobs I could tell that she was taking it the hardest as – to put it nicely, a mess. Her hair was strewn around her face and her eyes were surrounded by thick black circles. The man put a comforting arm around her and led her to the couches with a face full of worry before returning to me.

“Alpha, I...” He started but I stopped him “It’s my fault and I’m sorry it was my job to keep this pack safe and I didn't – I only hope you stay to let me make it up to you.” The man frowned causing many frown lines to fill his forehead.

“No, It was my fault he is my son and I should of made sure he stayed in the house” I nodded at his respect to me but I knew he resented himself more than I could console at the moment.

“Thank you for supporting me in the fight, Katie and I will never forget it”

“Anything for our Alpha and future Luna” He smiled proudly.

“What has the doctor said” my voice cracking slightly, I was hoping with all my heart.

“He has said that the muscles in his left leg have been so badly damaged that they refusing to respond to him; if he doesn’t get specialist treatment in the next few weeks he may never walk again... but the treatment clinic is too far from here – we would have to move closer. Soon”

I looked down “How far?” I questioned.

“Around 15 miles from the new pack grounds, sir- I know this is a lot to ask, but...” His voice was full of hope as he looked at me with saddened eyes.

“I understand...” I said filling my voice with authority “I will make sure your son gets his treatment” I smiled silently and walked away from him hearing a low sounding “but...” coming from him, ignoring that I scanned the room for Katie.

A young woman from the pack, Louise I think? Approached me carefully “Alpha,” she bowed her head to me “Yes Louise?”

“The Luna went upstairs to see Tommy” smiled gently gesturing to the ceiling; nodding my thanks to her I headed for the stairs.

Stopping at the first step, I turned to face the pack “Everyone.” I called out; people stopped shuffling about and faced me. I took a gulp of air and swallowed nervously “There’s going to me a pack meeting tonight- my pack only. It’s been decided that we are going to move on to the new grounds.” There was a small murmur of voices around the room. 

"When?" A  woman from the couch spoke up, I could see stress radiating off her. It was only then that I felt it from everyone in the room. 



Thoughts, I love hearing your comments and views! So please tell me! 


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