Numbers - Plus

21 0 1

Holy crap.
I made a universe based from my dream.
This is nuts.

Anyway, here's the dork, Plus. He's the small brother of Times. He's pretty smol, 5'5. He's the real MVP, saving lives left and right. He uses his powers to make numbers to heal other Numbers. (In this universe, a Number's number is their health points. So Number 7 is weaker than Number 10, and so on.) He has a positive mind, always the one who cheers up people. He has a crush on Minus, yes, he is not pure, just a little unpure. Like, he had "The Talk", but he doesn't have a dirty mind, calm yo tits. Also, Plus X Minus is canon, just not there yet. His favorite color is green, and his favorite number is 5.

I will be drawing Minus, so look out for that.

I also now have a Tumblr, ChimCat. I already have a deviantart, ChimCat also. CHIMCAT EVERYWHERE.

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