Numbers - Minus

24 0 2

Yay, another one layer doodle.
As you see, I draw lots, and I draw fast. Don't be surprised if I have a picture drawn on one day and another picture drawn on the next day.

Here's the Yandere. He's 5'8. The younger brother of Divide, and the one who kills people. Only kills people for justice and balance, though. Not mass murder, even though I wanted him to. But he will kill people who hurt his crush, Plus. (What can I do, I already said they're canon.) He usually has a neutral face, but I drew him smiling. Fun fact, his favorite number is 8 and his favorite color is red and white.

He's really close to Plus, brotherly love with Divide, and is close with Times (Because they both will kill anyone who touches Plus derp.)

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