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"Keep a close eye on this one" Phil points to a man texting someone quickly. It had been two days since reuniting (after what a day?) and here we were. Phil was sticking to his words and I was actually trusting him after his whole sister incident. We haven't heard or seen her since. "His name is Alex. He's the guy who has sex with his neighbor. It may not seem that bad at first but poor guys only fifteen... So! W-"

"Phil calm down. You're always too excited over this." Chuckling at his messy hair, I fix it as he explains more.

"Now. I want you to do this. I'll teach you how of course... But after that it's all you" he looks back at me once I finish his fringe.

Eyes locked, breathing is tough and our faces only inches away.. I want to kiss him but is it too soon? Would it be pushy or clingy? Before I could process anything else, he kisses me.

Lips collide and breaths the same we share the symbol of lust for one another. A simple yet wonderful kiss. It only lasts four seconds but it could have been a lifetime without getting old. Every time that happens I want more of it, constant kisses from Phil sounds like heaven if there is one.

"Jackson didn't last long but it has to be a couple of days. We'll give Alex until tomorrow but that means sticking to it today. Then after him we have Jared and Roxy"

"Seriously how do you not stress about all these people without a list?" I try to mentally write all this down but it seems I'm out of ink as my palms get sweaty and I'm bouncing my leg trying not to forget.

"I do have one silly!" He smiles quickly turning back to Alex.

Oh great! I was just freaking out for no reason and now I look like a big idiot. What do I do now? Say something? Laugh?

Well now it's been too long and I look weirder sitting here staring at my fingers. Good job Dan!

Okay maybe I'm taking this whole boyfriend thing too seriously. Should I even call us that?

"Phil?" I look up to see him gone. How did I miss that? He's walking down the street staring at me with wide eyes that are saying 'what the hell are you doing'. "Yep" I reply to no one but myself, hurrying down the street towards him who is following the guy.

"Pay more attention okay? Tip for concentrating... have the Sherlock theme blasting in your head..." He looked at me seriously before shouting "DODO. DODODODODODODODO" drawing unneeded attention.

For the first time, I think, I think I'm actually embarrassed to be seen with Phil. I look down to hide myself as he continues screaming and begins dancing.

"What? A man like me can't have fun?" He smiles and me and continues but keeps to himself no longer shouting. 

We rush down the road after the man in the taxi, pushing past people trying to keep an eye out. Needless to say, we were out of breath once he stopped at a coffee shop.

"Alright. This is the area around his house. We'll see what happens then but for now, would you join me for some coffee?" He smiles at me with the brightest blue eyes I've seen him have yet. How could I say no.

"It would be an honor" I say in the richest accent I could manage. His eyes widened but he took my hand and lead me inside with a small smile on his face.

It's a cozy, warm cafe like you could imagine. The walls were covered with quotes from books and the whole place smells of coffee. Music is quietly playing as people keep to themselves either reading or talking to someone else.

"Sit down I'll get something" Phil leans in close to me to whisper before leaving towards the barista. I find a seat in the corner and spend my time observing.

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