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"Jackson Alies!" A loud voice boomed next to me. I jumped and nearly fell off the bed again. "Oh morning Dan" Phil sat down making the bed bounce. 

I glanced around the room... It was clean and smelt like the hotels soap. Phil has changed his shirt but not his jeans pacing the room talking to himself softly. 

"Who?" I mumbled in my horrid morning voice. I could just feel my hobbit hair fall into place as I rested up on my elbows. 

"Who what?" Phil looked extremely confused. All it took was a shake of my head for him to gasp.  "Oh yes! Jackson!" He was in such a good mood this morning. "I need to do some research about him" 

He was so confusing but so cute.

"When did you get back?" I asked folding the thick blankets up, getting out from under them then patting it down to look neat. He gnawed at his thumb glancing around with fast eyes. Almost like a cat on crack

"Five-ish" shrugging he continued to pace around. It was starting to get on my nerves so I grabbed his shoulders. The look in his eyes said it all. 

He was pissed but more unorganized. Whoever that Jackson guy is really hurt Phil. 

I opened my mouth but he moved away from me to grab some money and left without another word. I was left alone once again scared for his life. 

Using the time alone in the hotel, I showered a nice hot and long shower unlike any other before. I wasn't sitting on the bath floor crying, I wasn't running a blade up my leg/tummy. I was simply washing and enjoying it. 

I stepped out probably half an hour later and took a look in the foggy window. No I couldn't see my body nor did I really want to. 

"Dan!" Phil shouted from the room making me jump and open the door as quickly as I could. "Put some clothes on.. I have him" he smirked holding up a piece of paper which I had no idea what was on it. 

We quickly left the hotel making sure we had everything we needed just for the night. Although this guy was new to Phil I felt there was something he wasn't telling me. What exactly happened last night? 

I followed him to wherever this guy was. Phil seemed anxious about it all but why? So many questions I had and nothing was going to be answered. I guess I have to wait to see what goes on. 

We suddenly stopped by a bush outside a house. Nicely covered and cool outside of the sun. He peeked over the bush narrowing his eyes towards an open window.

It was probably two hours that went by before we had movement. I was playing in the rocks and Phil staring inside the house. Not stalker-ish my ass. 

The guy had opened his door and got in his car so Phil watched which way he went. "Meeting in Reading" he whispered before running after him with me shortly behind.  

We followed this guy round, he fricken drove across town as we ran, all day. It was now dark and we were back at his place. I was done with this guy I wanted to sleep but Phil continued watching. 

"Phil come on we can come back tomorrow" I rested my chin on his shoulder exhausted. 

"No we're doing it tonight" he shrugged me off and stood up creeping closer. 

"No!" I whisper screamed making him flinch. "It has been a long day. I'm sure he can wait" I honestly didn't feel good about going in there now. His pupils were dilated, his legs shaking, he wanted this. 

Ignoring me completely, he went closer to the window. A dark house but still it didn't feel right. Following stubbornly, we slipped in the house. 

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