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Somewhere in Ikebukuro.

Let me tell you a story. But not the 'normal' story that has always circulated in this city. Not the great rumors that always spread in Ikebukuro like a wildfire. That was just a poor story that you will hear every day here. So it's already felt 'normal' to me. For example, like how the gang colors were involved in a feud with another 'colorless' gang night after night; the Dollars or perhaps about the urban legend the black bike, or more accurately to say the headless rider.

No, this is a story about a girl who tried to tame a monster.

What do you want to know about this girl? Surely you feel curious about it, right? When I mentioned about the story of a girl, it could be anyone. For example, that teenage girl who just enrolled into Raira High School this new semester. Or that clerk who just transferred her workplace into Ikebukuro. Or maybe that little girl who was moving into the city with her parents. The choices are countless- limitless.

Anyone could be the girl I was talking about.

So, what do you want to know about her?

What is so special about her?

Well, if I could be frank. There's nothing that special about this girl. She was so plain that she could blend into the crowd, and you would not notice her at all even if you are bumping into each other. So normal- nothing extraordinary. And it's almost pitiful to admit that her life is boring. Even I wasn't interested to know about her at all. As someone like me, I didn't even know her existence before this. Even if I do gather all sorts of information, that doesn't mean I would know every single human in this city. But I do love them all. Without discrimination, I love all humans. Regardless of their gender, sex, and race. I love humanity. Well excluding for one human being. Wait, to call him as a human being means I have to acknowledge that he was a human.

Then, let me rephrase that; except for one monster.

Ah speaking of that 'monster' I just saw that he was walking next to the 'girl' I mentioned about.

This is a love story about the two of them.

Their love story almost the same as the Beauty and the Beast.

It was so cute that it make me want to puke.

Ah, I do wonder, what role do I play in their story?

Am I the enchanter?

Who turns the prince to be the beast?

But that can't be right. He wasn't even a human, to begin with.

So it doesn't affect him or anything even I have the power to do so.

And that girl as the princess isn't supposed to be with that 'monster'.

Then there's only one role that's suited for me.

No, not as Gaston.

I would never be envy towards a beast.

But as the Savior.

Of course, I need to save the human that I love from the beast-- in this case, a monster would be more fitting to describe him.

Ah, no, not the kind of 'love' that you are thinking about.

It's the love for the human that I harbor.

Isn't that what I am supposed to do? Instead of being the prince, it was more interesting to lead the role as the Savior. It can't be helped. Whether it was an act or not, this was the stage for them. I'm the Savior that humanity needs. And you can't convince me otherwise. Ah, I can't wait to see where this story will lead me.

I'm looking forward to it.

This unfolding tale about the two of them will be interesting.

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