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You tap your finger on the counter languidly, counting how many days has passed after the last time that blonde bartender—Heiwajima Shizuo come to the café that you worked at. Since then, he hasn’t come again so far, you wonder why you would wait for him even after your friend has warned you that nothing good will come if you get involved with him.

But you can’t help it even if that guy was supposed to be the man to be feared. You had witnessed his brute strength on the street before. And the rumors about him to resort on violent is a clear evident to you. But you don’t want to judge him since you don’t really know about him much.

If only you could know him better… ah, but even if you did, it would probably because of the business you have with Tanaka Tom, the debt collector.

You exhale a sigh, it was so boring since there’s not much customer and you have nothing better to do at the moment. Even if you can lax around, but having the debt at the back of your mind, make it even hard to breathe with ease.

If there wasn’t any customer… you dread that it will affect your salary. Sure the payment was according to an hour, but at this rate… you chew your thumb and think of the worse. God damn it, why are you so pessimist? This is just a part-time job; you can always search for a new one if the wage wasn’t enough.

But it wasn’t easy to find a new work with your current situation, and you needed all money you could scrape.

“[Name]-san.” You heard your manager call your name, snapping you from your daze.

“Y-yes?” You stammer, having caught been slacking off. “Is there anything I could do? I was just looking at the board, I wasn’t slacking off I swear, ahahaha--” You give an excuse awkwardly.

Your manager only gives a little chuckle. “That’s good to hear. Since you said that, then I have a new post for you.”

“A new post? What should I do?” You tilted your head bemusedly, and your manager only keeps that smile that gives you chill.

“It’s more fun since you look so bored being the cashier.”


“I swear I shouldn’t trust anyone anymore.”

A bead of sweat trickles down on your forehead, standing in front of the café under the intense sun and hold up a promotion signboard to attract more customer in.

I guess I shouldn’t complain… that manager is yokai.

And you were still new to at this workplace, so they let you handle this instead...

“Ple-please come in. We have a special deal. A discount for limited time.” You sound so awkward when you say that, and your voice was so low that no one seems to notice.

Damn, not just it was hot and you were sweating bullets. But you an awkward person to shout and raise your voice to all of these strangers that walk to and fro. If only you were brave enough or unabashed like the Russian man you see the other day in front of that Russia Sushi Restaurant.

Get a grip [Name]! You need to work this! You mentally scold yourself, summoning all of your courage.

“Please come to Lottoria, we have a special deal. A discount for limited time.”

But your voice was low like before, and it was the same.

This is impossible. You felt like you wanted to give up. Sighing in defeat, you only stand there like a statue.

“Oh, don’t you think she’s cute?”

You weren’t paying attention until a few hoodlum has surrounded you.

“Hey, are you a new waiter here? I never see someone cute as you before.” One of them said.

“Y-yes?” You weren’t sure what to say, seeing they have a yellow bandana tied around their neck, head and wrist. “W-welcome to Lottoria. We have a special deal. A discount for a limited time, please come in?”

“Ah, but what kind of special deal? And what kind of discount did you offer?” They inquired suggestively. Damn brat, if it wasn’t because of work. You would have kicked them where the sun doesn’t shine.

“Well… um, we offer a special coffee latte and lunch set…” You explain and show the signboard, where it’s all already written down.

“We can have fun. Mind if you give me your phone number miss?” One of them daring to ask, the one that looks to be the leader.

“I’m sorry, I’m working right now and exchanging personal information is prohibited.” You tried to sound polite to deal with them, although they weren’t really a customer.

“Heeeh, so you will give me your contact if you had done with your work?” He seems to be persistent and you were troubled with it.

“I can’t do that either sir. Please leave if you don’t have any intention to order anything.”

“What’s with that? Is that how you supposed to talk with your customer?” He sounds irritated and trying to intimidated you.

“That’s not what I mean… but...”

Someone help. You wanted to cry now, but will only show them how weak and vulnerable you are. Be strong [Name]! You can do this!

You search for any excuse to escape this situation and your mind comes up with one.

“Oh look. There’s something that was flying --!?” You tried to divert their attention somewhere else, and what you just say was supposed to be a lie, but you jinx it instead.

The next thing you know, a vending machine was hovering miraculously above your head before it crashes down hard onto the ground near you, and the glass panel shattered, reflecting the glare of sunlight with broken bottles leaking inside, ensue with a loud sonorous roar of, “IZZAAAAYAAAAAAAAAA!!” that boom in the street of Ikebukuro.

You saw someone was running whilst evading the passerby agilely and chase by the familiar blond bartender before he went behind your back, using you as a shield. 


And you don’t know what you have gotten yourself into.


This turn out cliché eh.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2016 ⏰

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