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A few days already passed since your father went missing, or leave or whatever, you don't know whether he was still in Japan nor you want to know about it. If possible, it'd be great if he was gone forever and never show himself in front of you anymore. But you couldn't bring yourself to say that out loud. You still think him as your father, and that's what make it harder to you.

You tiptoed to exit Chris's apartment without making so much noise, afraid to wake her up in this early morning. With sticky note, you scrawl saying that you already leave for your job and you stick it to her refrigerator. Wearing your shoes, you head towards the elevator and entered it, pressing the button to lobby and wait until it descends.

When you were shopping for some new things that you need, you see that there was a vacant job at Lottoria that open at 60-Storey Street in the direction of Sunshine City. Without wasting your time, you immediately apply for the part-time job and they call you afterward. Now you are heading there for work. You hope that you can do this well.

Once again, you exited the elevator and walk to there since from Chris's apartment, it wasn't that far. Your apartment located near the outskirt of the town, so you were thankful that Chris's place was nearby from Ikebukuro. The morning was packed with people darting here and there, you could see students in Raira High School's uniform are heading to their school at the South of Ikebukuro and workers are going to their workplace direction. You halt your stride when you see a ground that has a crack, probably from a heavy object, but you could never figure out if there was something big like projectile that has fallen on that. Passerby only walks like it was nothing, so you just shrug it off too. There's also a missing sign pole. A concrete base that was brand new and a missing vending machine from its place.

You remember what Chris has told you, but you still couldn't believe it.

You just brush it off thinking that it's probably because of some accident that happens. Yeah, some accident that might happen in the middle of Ikebukuro... unless there was a brawl that could afford a collateral damage like that. Ah, this wasn't the time to think about this, your life is going to be busy from now, you don't have the time to dwell on something ambiguous like that. Arriving at the café that accepts your job application, you push the door and start your new day.


It wasn't that long until your shift was over, you thank at the manager and your manager also said good work to you. It was the basic courtesy for Japanese, you smile exultantly to them and exited the café. Looking at the time it was still early around 9 PM. Since you are worn out from your work, you decided to walk around at 60-Storey Street before heading back to Chris's place.

The night in Ikebukuro doesn't seem to change much. Everything was like usual, you will see hoodlums hanging around yellow scarves around them, some were engaged in heat conversation, some just stood there listening to their subordinates prattled. Some students still dawdling nearby; worker are going back to their respective home, and everyone just doing their own business. Neon lights decorated at the corner and the alleyway, some shady people doing their sketchy business at the backstreet, there's also a street performer at the middle of the city and people were gathering to see him.

You could see the moon that peered through the high-rise building and the sky that was shrouded with the night. But this city still looks lively, there was also gigantic electronic billboard mounted on the Cinema Sunshine building, it's the most striking things at 60-Storey Street. As well as the wall that plastered with movie posters beside Cinema Sunshine. One of the posters has Yuuhei Hanejima on it. You aren't that big fan of him, but still admit he was a good actor, especially the movie that he acts as the cross-dresser who falls in love with a man. To be honest... he looks beautiful as a woman. Ah, and beside his poster is Darker than Black, and Baccano, it's a good movie too. They also show Black Butler on the screen.

"Ah, Ojou-san. Long time no see." You were so engrossed looking at the billboard that you didn't notice a man was talking to you. You looked at him and he handed you a flyer. It was a black man touting on the street. This wasn't uncommon to see on 60-Storey Street- the strange thing was his appearance. This black man almost reaches over two meters tall, and he had a robust figure like a professional wrestler. You instinctively took a step back from him, the most striking feature about this black man was his clothes. He dressed as a Japanese sushi chef.

"Hey, Ojou-san, how'd you like to make your skin nice and tight with fresh fish?" He asks and smiles broadly at you with his broken Japanese that mixed with English.

You looked at the flyer and see there was a sort of sushi available here.

"Let's enjoy some sushi together and set off some night fever - sounds good, huh?"

"Ah... t-thank you, but not today..." you timidly say back to him. Hoping to get away.

"Ah, it's you [L.Name]-san, what's a coincidence to meet you again." This time, it was another man that was talking to you. You looked at him and see it was Tanaka Tom, the man that you meet several days ago.

"Ah... Tanaka-san, we meet again." You politely bow at him. "Just call me Tom," he says back. "Are you here alone?"

"Umm. Yes, I was from my workplace and decided to walk around."

"I see. You should be careful if you walk alone, lately, with Slasher news, it's not safe."

Oh, about Slasher. You did hear about that in the news too. They just cut people but didn't kill them. And just earlier you hear ambulance sirens. "Ah, yes. I will surely be extra careful." You did think that everywhere you go now is not safe anymore. "Ah, Tana- I mean, Tom-san. Are you by yourself today?" you ask and looked around, seeing there was no sight of that blonde bartender.

"Oh, not really. I was with Shizuo earlier, but now he-"

"Who do you think you are huuuuuh? A God? Do you think you are a God?! Are you just pretending to be one? Huh?!" you heard someone voice bellowed angrily and you see something was send flying on the air-or someone and then something loud crash on the ground.

"Again..." Tom sighed and head toward the commotion, just in front of the Cinema Sunshine Building. You, who was curious, tagged along behind him to see.

Shizuo- that blonde bartender was shaking a man and not far from him was one of the huge streetlight here, it looks like it was as if someone has pluck it out and throw it by force.

"...Wowh." That was the only thing you could say at the spectacle, how could something surreal like this be possible?

"Oi, Shizuo, we're going," Tom call after him, that make that Shizuo stop obediently and just leave the scene like nothing has to do with him. You looked at him in sort of awe that coalesces with disbelief on what you have seen. "We're going now [L. Name]-san, be careful when you're going home later." Tom said before he leaves with Shizuo trailed behind him. Just before that, you swear that your eyes clash with each other.

So... the rumors about him was true after all.

And you make a mental note to make sure to pay your debt- you mean, your father debt by the end of this month with what money you have. Surely you don't want to experience his strength. You have never been grateful that you were born as a woman before.

If not, who might now how far he will send you flying.

But still, you secretly wish to meet him again.

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